I’ve been watching way too much tik tok.. I think I have to delete the app or something.. It’s very bad for my mental health…I keep stumbling across these videos that are Reddit stories that are being narrated and it’s all about their spouse being caught cheating. And some of these stories are infuriating to listen to and are actually really depressing.. and there are so many stories.. I wouldn’t be able to handle being in a polyamorous situation. I don’t know if that’s for me. I would get too jealous .. but it just seems people cheat so often.. and I don’t know how I would react to that kind of heartbreak.. so is it even worth looking to find just one person I can spend the rest of my life with?

  1. I am always cheated on. Every time. I am the most loyal person ever. I just got out of a relationship because the guy was in a completely separate one. That idk about. I feel like shit. And hurt… Makes me wonder what I did in a past life that made me earn this…. 😔

  2. Studies generally put it that somewhere around 10-15% of marriages involve infidelity; most people don’t cheat.

  3. There are shitty people out there who will cheat. The trick, as difficult as it is to pull off, is to try to weed out people who have an incompatible value system. When those red flags start to crop up you have to know when to get out rather than pushing forward hoping for the best.

  4. Well, statistically it’s a bad bet, and the younger you are the worse your odds get – Unless you’re a woman.

    Something like 85% of divorces are initiated by women, and if 60% of marriages end in divorce, that means if you’re a man getting married there’s over a 50% chance that marriage will end in the woman leaving.

  5. 80% of marriages end in divorce and 99% of all relationships fail for one reason or another. Today people treat relationships as “good for now.” I advise to not get married this way if the relationship goes south, and it likely will, it won’t cost an arm and a leg to breakup with courts and lawyers.

  6. I mean, what’s the alternative?

    You can’t experience the positives in life if you’re not willing to endure some negatives.

    That being said, you don’t have to get married to spend your life with someone. And you don’t have to think about life commitment until further down the line with someone.

    So take your time getting to know people. Their habits, mindsets, spirit. Many people get into relationships based off superficial characteristics and aren’t assessing character.

  7. We live in a society now where the newest version of you is always a stone’s throw away and honestly humans are not monogamous creatures.. Another thing is that people change every 5 years, so whoever you are with won’t be the same person you started out dating.. It’s life nothing more nothing less

  8. You shouldn’t let your love life decisions be made on stuff you see on a platform like tiktok…

  9. The primary reason for relationships to fail both marriages and long term relationships between boyfriend and girlfriend is money or the lack of it or the fact that the man is not making enough and the wife has to take care of the guy. The divorce statistics right now shows a 50% failure rate. Imagine this? Would you sign a contract for a new product or service knowing there is a 50% chance of failure and on the way out you have to hand over 50% of your assets and properties and a sizable slice of your income as alimony.

    What kind of imbecile would sign up for that kind of fucked up contract? This is why I can’t in good conscience recommend marriage to any man at any age and demographic group.

  10. Thank you. It still feels like shit though… Being dumped in general. No matter who it is.. especially when you didn’t see it coming..

  11. I was cheated on this week. Yeah I know how to choose them too. The way the men at my work talk is grips. Seems they have either cheated. Married long term men or want to cheat recently in a fresher relationship. I’m done. Idk why I could a good guy for myself.

  12. I wouldn’t let statistics dictate how something that involves love has to be. Marriage is a huge risk of course but isolating from it is like never eating your favorite food ever again, your life would be a torture knowing that you are able to experience love but you avoid it. Risks are unavoidable but they can be reduced, I recommend getting your own property before getting married and invest more in a prenup than your own wedding party, go ahead and live life but safely

  13. You have to realize happy couples have 0 reason to randomly post on Reddit for the most part. People who need help and advice tend to post here, not perfectly functional couples who are happy. So of course relationships look skewed if you’re only viewing through the lens of Reddit and TikTok.

  14. The statistic doesn’t matter. Your goal of finding someone to date is justifiable. I think you just have to accept the risk of losing something, and accept change. Something you also need to take into account is your vulnerability to being cheated on.

    This vulnerability is higher when:
    * You are financially dependent on someone else.
    * There is a power imbalance in intellect, social status or dependency on someone else in your life.
    * temporal vulnerability: during a series of losses in a person’s life, like losing their parents, job or physical or mental abilities.

    So if you are mentally and physically healthy (average IQ, no chronic illness), capable of finding a job with your degree and you have a social security net of friends and extended family – you are not vulnerable to someone leaving your life.

    Also if you are too young to be bothered by any of this: good for you, just see how it goes!

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