What are some methods that you can use to concentrate when a pretty girls starts giving you directions and you’re certainly not going to remember anything because of her gorgeousness?

  1. Depends on the context inwhich you are speaking. Sex listen to her, general driving directions might want to focus on driving instead of her “gorgeousness”, directions in life as long as it aligns with what you want out of life.

  2. Punch yourself in the genitals until you lose consciousness and try again when you wake up. It’s really your only option.

  3. Imagine her pooping or puking or something else that makes her seem disgusting and more human-like. Pretty girls fart too.

  4. I have this problem too. When my eyes fly out of my sockets and my tongue lols out, I generally use an oversized mallet to hit myself on the head. The resulting canaries flying around my head distract me.

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