I’m from a small South Asian country and we share cigarettes with our buddies. It’s an unwritten norm to pass on the cigarette after a few puffs to the next person in the group. It just makes the bonding stronger. I have never seen sharing cigarettes in any TV shows or movies so always wondered is it just us or it is the case in other places.

  1. Smoker here, I have with women I was interested in but not with my guy friends who smoke. I’d just give them a cigarette, same as I would with anyone who looked 21 or older who asked.

    Edit: And it’s not just you, it’s more something I’d expect out of teenagers or people in countries where cigarettes are more expensive relative to local low wages.

  2. Marijuana cigarettes yes. Tobacco ones, no, though I don’t partake in them anymore. Also you should watch Better Call Saul, it’s a great show and the two main characters share cigarettes throughout, it’s actually really artistic the way they use those scenes.

  3. I don’t smoke very often at all. When I do I usually just bum a cigarette from one of my friends, but sometimes I’ll take a couple drags off of a cigarette one of my friends is smoking. It’s definitely more common to just bum one though

  4. I don’t smoke, but sharing anything I put in my mouth with (multiple???) other people sounds very unsanitary to me.

  5. I‘ve done it occasionally, but people would ask first. I’d sooner give them one of their own because I always felt like I didn’t get enough of it if sharing and then need to have another one. I would only do that with a close friend. I probably wouldn’t do it anymore if I still smoked, since we feel differently about germs these days.

  6. It happens. Sharing a single cig is however less common than just giving someone a cigarette all for themselves. It is common for me at least to get some people bumming a smoke.

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