I (23M) was having sex with my girlfriend (21F) last night. The sex was awesome, she’s on her period and she always gets super horny during it so she kept asking to fuck all day it was great haha

The problem is that during our like 3rd round of sex that evening I was fucking her hard and my dick accidentally slipped out and stuck itself in her asshole. It didn’t actually go in, but I definitely jammed my cock at her butt and she yelped and immediately teared up and started crying. I apologized profusely and asked her if she was okay to which she replied “I’m fine” in between tears. I asked her if she was really hurt and she said no, but she kept crying. I felt so bad and she said she doesn’t know why she’s crying but she’s not hurt.

We continued having sex, but I feel so awkward and bad about making her cry :/ We haven’t mentioned it since it happened, but I feel awful.

  1. It happens sometimes. You weren’t trying to hurt her and you apologized. It’s not the end of the world.

  2. She was crying because it was painful. Really not much to read into here.

    P.S. When women say “I’m fine” it doesn’t really mean they’re fine.

  3. It was an accident. You apologized. It’s a group physical activity haha sometimes there are unintentional injuries. You can apologize and let her know it was an accident outside the bedroom if you want but there’s really nothing to do but move on in my opinion. No one should be upset.

  4. It seems like you’re a good dude to care about this. I see other posts where this happens and there is no remorse on the mans part. Just bring it up with her and talk it out a little, just a a simple… “Hey I wanna talk about the the other night. It is important to me that you know that was an accident and it bothers me that it happened. Are you truly okay?”

    Maybe even turn it into a conversation about boundaries.

    But, yeah this can happen, other than her feelings, I wouldn’t sweat it that much.

  5. This happened to me once (woman) it really is quite painful, so tears are normal when it happens. I had to nope out of there real quick. It was so painful I actually got nauseous loool. We had a good laugh later but yes, in the moment it realllllllly fucking sucks.

  6. it’s not an accident.
    asshole is tighter and you shouldn’t slide your little weapon in by an accident.

  7. I’d double check on her the next day to see if she’s still sore, but I’ve also 100% had those ‘idk why I’m crying’ moments while on my period where I bawl my eyes out over the slightest of inconveniences. Hormones are dumb like that.

  8. When it happens like that, it is a unbelievably sharp pain. You feel it all over your body and sometimes it scares you a bit. Just check on her today and make sure she’s okay.

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