There’s this girl I like. She’s my college floormate. We’ve been distant friends for about a year but for the past week and a half we’ve gotten much closer and started talking. We’ve been out for platonic things like lunch and coffee a couple times and I’ve been (kinda) flirty with her, and she’s reciprocated that. We’ve texted pretty much everyday for that week.

Though we’ve been flirty towards each other, and she has shown interest, she did just get rejected by her crush a month ago. Also she takes a while to respond to texts, even though they are normally flirty texts.

Here’s the question. We have three weeks until the semester ends. After that summer vacation starts and I won’t see her until August. One one hand, I don’t know if asking her out in these three weeks is too soon, but if I wait till after break I risk losing the chemistry we have rn. Should I ask her out next week or so? Later? or after break?

  1. im going to say wait this one out a bit. it’s only been a week and a half and guys (im assuming you’re a guy, correct me if I’m wrong)tend to fall for someone a lot faster than girls. for the majority it could take more than just one week of flirting (usually 3 weeks to a month depending on the girl), especially if you didn’t talk much before hand. she might not have any serious feelings at this moment. the “not texting right away” is kinda giving the flag she’s not there yet

    i would play it safe and wait at least another 2 weeks, if not try to hangout with her a bit more and ask her upfront how she feels about dating in general.

  2. I’d say wait it out until August. I’d imagine it would be hard to start dating now as finals come up. There will be less free time for y’all to enjoy each other’s company. Even if y’all got along well, long distance can be a killer for relationships, which would be required over the summer.

    If you are patient and wait until August, you can start at the time of a semester where things are slower and won’t need to worry about long distance for awhile.

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