If you change gender, do you think you will be more successful at having romantic relationships ? if so , why ?

  1. Fuck no.

    Because I have 38 years worth of testosterone driven physique and facial features, I could be charitably described as “a handsome woman” and I’m cis so the dysmorphia would be horrendous to deal with.

  2. Absolutely!

    From the outside looking in, dating as a women seems so effortless. No pressure in having to make the first move or plan any dates. No pressure in having to be smooth and skilled during conversations to make and keep someone interested. Getting unending daily affirmations without having to look hard for them must be pretty cool as well.

    The women acquaintances I know keeps me shaking my head at the amount of times they are approached by an interested party for simply existing.

    Man I would love to just sit back and enjoy the show of people doing their best backflips in an attempt to impress me more than the last. Just for a day!

  3. If I magically became a real woman?

    Almost certainly, due to all the desperate, horny little bastards out there.

    If I call myself Doris, cut off my dick and start LARPing as a chick? Probably not; that shit’s a bit niche, isn’t it?

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