Have you ever just one day realised that fuck this, I don’t actually like my situation that I am in, job, wife, maybe kids although that does complicate things a bit, mates etc … with this deep down burning desire to start again somewhere new?

  1. Yeah, I completely just quit my job one morning saying I just can’t do it.

    I had been having problems having panic attacks on the drive to work, just breaking down crying. Had been signed off sick for two weeks by the Dr, went back and everyone was just so cold to me. The next morning I had another panic attack so I just threw in the towel.

    Edit – I got placed on gardening leave for my notice period so I still got paid but didn’t have to work.

  2. Yes, 2 years ago, decided one evening, fuck this, threw everything into the car or the bin, went to the nearest ferry port and completely fucked off. Never looked back!

  3. Many times in my life I’ve thought about starting again. Fully starting again. Ghost, change name and move home. I’ve got people I care about now though

  4. Yep life’s bollox mate , once you remember you’ll be dead soon and nothing you ever did or said will matter. And your life is just as insignificant as the billions who’ve lived before you and will after you. It’s easier to stop giving a fuck, do what you want, and have a laugh in the process, you owe no one anything. See you in hell 🙃

  5. Back when I was 18 my then gf split up with me before I had to go to work. Got there and someone didn’t turn up so I had to cover their table (it was silver service at a hotel). Was the worst shift I’d ever had but when I went to get coffees and chocolates everyone else had finished and were eating the chicks for my table. Told the managers they could go f*** their job, and walked out.

    3 month later I saw one of the girls from work and she asked when I was going back as they were still putting me on the rota! cheered me up no end.

  6. Yep!
    Twice in my life. I’m 46 and I’ve done the ‘fuck this’ thing twice. My life has and is considerably better for both of those occasions.
    But I don’t have children.

  7. Job. Got a really well-paid position doing a job I genuinely liked, with fantastic perks. A month after I started, got lumbered with The worst of managers. Stuck it out for 4 months, but had a particularly stressful week, and after one final BS interaction, dropped an email of “I don’t want to work here anymore…” and hit the bricks.

    Thankfully, walked straight into a new job and was incredibly happy serving beer for a while. Then, Covid.

  8. Yes!

    A combo of no jobs in my area/ breakdown of a relationship and subsequent massive money loss in our joint property/ tiring of my friendship circle getting increasingly more “intense” every weekend/ depression/ stuck in a rut etc. pushing me to make the leap I’d been scared to make for years and move down the country (Midlands) for the chance of employment in the field I want (gamedev).

    Turns out moving to a new place and starting fresh as a 30 year old is EXACTLY what I needed – career/ relationships/ lifestyle all blossomed once I’d made the leap from my small home-town 🙂

    It’s insane how much I couldn’t see the bigger picture outside my walls in my small town home life, and how different, and small, and insignificant my problems all seem looking back on it now!

  9. I’m at that point this very minute, considering whether to hand in my notice tomorrow. The job has well and truly broken me, I need a fresh start. I’ve got plenty of savings, literally the only thing stopping me is I’ve worked so long to earn enough to get a decent mortgage but my house purchase fell through last week.

    If I quit my job then god knows when/if I’ll earn that much again and will be stuck renting for god knows how long.

  10. Yeah. Was living in Glasgow and working in retail and it was making me probably the most miserable I’ve ever been. I uprooted my life and moved home and now have a job where I earn an insane amount of money compared to what I’d be doing in the city.

    It’s the not the most ideal life as I’m very much a city person but I live a far richer, figuratively and literally, life than I ever have done.

  11. Several times
    Not sure that “somewhere new” is a critical factor, cos one thing I’ve learned is that everywhere I go I always take me with me

  12. Leaving a job on Thursday for this reason. Multiple people at my firm seem to think it’s a mistake but I’m miserable there. Taking a 10% pay cut but going to work for another firm with better benefits and experience.

  13. Walked out of a well paid and ideal job because my manager refused some unpaid leave. I’d been stressed as hell after seeing my partner have a stroke and seizure some months before, couldn’t concentrate properly on work, and manager was being an arsehole in other ways, so that was the final straw. Never went back.

  14. One day at work things were just getting worse and worse. Area Manager came in and my store was a shit hole thanks to Covid Regulations but it was apparently my fault for not being in 10 places at once.

    Friend had passed away 2 days prior which already impacted my mood that week, I was moving home and the hired help didn’t turn up so I had to do everything myself in my car. Then that horrible work day mentioned before happened and to top it all off, I came back to my car after I’d finished my shift and I had 2 flat tyres (Assuming someone let all the air out but I’ll never know). Literally went to the Doctor the next morning and got a week long sick note lol.

  15. My biggest issue with doing that is that wherever I go, I will be there too. It won’t work out if mu biggest problem comes with me.

  16. I’ve done a ‘soft’ throwing in the towel, where I had another shit day at work, applied for a job that evening, interviewed the week after and gave in my notice the week after that.

    Never looked back.

  17. Yes. Used to earn loads of money(70k) per year but hated the job. Proper Sunday night depression. Gave it up for a job earning 20k and was so much happier. Why spend 8 hours a day doing something you hate?

  18. Only once – went to work in the morning in Watford, left to go to lunch but instead got in the car and drove to Manchester. Spent a couple of days with friends, then went home and ignored the phone for a few days more.

  19. At work, 3 times. Quit with immediate effect every time for varying reasons.

    With a partner, just once. Within 3 hours and 53 mins of being sent imagery of her cheating, I’d not only moved all my stuff out but travelled 113 miles to a new town, signed a lease on an apartment, checked in to a hotel and was midway through dinner.

    Various other things, really quite regularly, I won’t accept shite on any level and will happily nope out and walk.

  20. Yes.

    Jacked a job and walked out. I’d had zero annual leave all year and wanted to go to Glastonbury. Boss said I couldn’t possibly take those 5 days off. I said I’m going. And left…..

  21. Yep, went and lived in Thailand for 2 years and as I was thinking about headed back to the UK I took a detour to Morocco and stayed there about 6 months.

    Now live back in the UK but don’t talk to anyone I used to know and doing much better.

    Although I didn’t have kids, soooo.. don’t be a dick and take that into account bud.

  22. Yes. When I was 17, my parents kept telling me I’d be homeless the day I’m 18. Not sure if it was to scare me into going to college or what but a few days before my 18th birthday I packed a bag after yet another warning and fucked off from Bournemouth to Birmingham.

    It was different. Very violent, I joined a gang and made many mistakes and I could have ended up in prison or dead. I met my partner after he was released from prison and I got pregnant at 19.

    At my 20th birthday, (2022) my mum and I reconnected. She moved my new family back to Bournemouth in an AMAZING one bedroom flat and we all live very happily with our now 6 month old.

    Had I not just said fuck it and run up north to escape, I would never have my family now and be living a much happier legal life

  23. I handed my notice in after years of abuse that lead me to go bald, said that I would do the amount of time that was on my contract and they went “if you don’t do 2 months we’ll charge you £2k for cover” and since that wasn’t legal in the slightest I just laughed in their face and walked out

  24. Yeah. One day I woke up and decided that I had enough with my job. Had a fully blown meltdown that day before work too.

    I wanted to quit that week itself but my husband persuaded me not too till I found a new job. Found one a couple weeks later with a lot of luck and I feel much happier and in a better headspace when it comes to work. Bonus – the new job is more towards my own interests too.

  25. Yes. Lived in rural Wales, underemployed in a job I hated with no prospects. All my friends had already moved on elsewhere for work. Had enough one day, did a bit of research and found a dream job advert (closing the very next day!) I couldn’t believe it, stayed up all night writing my application, got the job, moved abroad and had the best time of my life.
    I’m always a bit perplexed when people say ‘if you’re unhappy here, you‘ll be just as unhappy elsewhere.’ Um… no, I had a wonderful experience.

  26. My first real job. I worked in a high-end car club as Events Manager. It has a volunteer board of directors who were so unprofessional, despite almost all being business people.

    I had a great 5 years, loved the job and did it out of love for it more than money. We were paid well below the going rate but we had a lot of camaraderie during the tough work. But the last year was hell as a fight for the next chairman of the club came up. Both were decent people. Except one did not denounce horrific behaviour of some members where as the other had a tough stance.
    Members of the board started publishing our (well below the going rate) pay on the forum and complaining that if they got rid of some people the club would save money… They had millions in the bank, and took several hundred thousands a year in sponsorship and membership and the entire paid staff cost maybe £150k a year. Oh and it’s meant to be a not for profit for tax reasons so we had to break even.

    Basically, they started trash talking. Libelous claims against the car brand we were supposedly fans of. Then they started trash talking the tougher potential chairman (that would have been a hard boss but actually would keep stuff in line). I said to my line manager that I’d quit if this chairman didn’t get in because the other never corrected false claims that the staff were going on jollies with the club money… they claimed we had high end hotels and we would also use the card for holidays… I wish, we had at best Premier Inn (usually shared between colleagues) and we never had a card, it was always booked for us by the line manager. We were never paid overtime, we fought to get weekend pay as we spent about 1/3 of weekends working as well as the week. We got 8 out of the 12 hour days paid…

    I just knew this would be a constant fight. The tough but fair potential chairman lost. I saw colleagues get torn down by the board. I decided to bail.

    This was 6 years ago. I’m so glad. Last month, they all were forced to take a pay cut and anyone who refused was… made redundant for no reason at all. My line manager also lost his job. Absolute shite directors who have no brain. The club has gained a reputation for being a cheap pals club rather than the high end brand it represents, to the point that the car brand is working on its own club to replace this fan version.

    It’s sad. I worked hard to make it a great club and so did all my colleagues. The people who destroyed it, didn’t care for the people who worked day in, day out on it.

    P.s. I’m fine, I ended up with a much higher paying job and might even hire some of my ex colleagues in the new year as our business is growing rapidly.

  27. Yep AS levels. Realised about half way through the year it wasn’t for me. I finished the year but put no effort into them. Got 3Us and an E.
    Switched to a BTEC the next year and got 3 Distinction*s!, best decision I ever made

  28. I actually did go awol for a bit. Left my gf who I didn’t like, ditched the house we shared and quit my well paying job to go play guitar in a band. Muted pretty much everyone aside from my closest friends and family.

    All went to shit lol but so much the better for it now! Honestly it was terrifying and I ended up in some strange old places but I never felt so alive. I’m thinking of doing it again to be honest – as someone else said you don’t know how long you have on this planet.

  29. I walked out of a telesales job once in the middle of my shift. I don’t know how anyone can do that longterm, its awful. I’d been there a couple of months and the ‘leads’ were mainly older people and basically guilt tripping them into buying photo shoots for their grand daughters etc.

    I was missing targets because your supposed to keep talking some speech but I was just accepting no and putting the phone down. The last straw was the manager who was apparently a fabulous sales woman who always over exceeded her targets telling all us newbies how this job was more important than anything in our lives including home, kids etc, she loved the sound of her own voice.

    I excused myself to the toilet called my husband said I couldnt bare it any longer and he told me to go tell them to fuck off, so I did lol. Luckily I had another job by the end of the week. Her face was a picture when I said this shitty job scamming pensioners is not important in the slightest, I don’t know how it’s legal.

  30. Before I had a kid? Yep. Dropped everything and moved a hundred miles away.

    Since my kid? No. Don’t fuck their lives over too.

  31. Yeah but not with kids involved. It’s a responsibility that’s incompatible to the rest of the list.

  32. My granny always used to say you end up where you’re supposed to be. Sometimes you get to take the short road, sometimes it’s the longer road, but you’ll get there in the end.

    My industry generally works you pretty hard for not a lot of return. It’s one of those where the managers all came up putting up with it so they think you should too. I side-stepped into it from another industry so I had very different ideas.

    My first job I hated, so I changed companies. That company ended up being exactly the same as the first. Then covid hit and I got put on furlough. Nine months later, they tell me I’m starting again. I get a feeling of cold dread about and decide it’s not worth it. I don’t go back.

    Instead, I house husband for a year. I’m happier, stress-free and mrs likes having me around the house and knowing she doesn’t have to lift a finger on the housework.

    Then old colleague calls me out of the blue. He’s at a tiny company that wants to do things differently. Come on board, he says, have a say, he says. I’m sceptical, but I figure fuck it. I’ll give him three months, earn a bit of cash and fuck it off again.

    Another year later and I’m still happy, still relatively stress-free, still at that company and about to get a promotion and pay rise. The company’s everything my old colleague said it would be.

  33. Yup. I owned a gym in Cyprus. Saved up for years and years to build the building and equip it. I’d have plates leaning against white walls, customers doing handstands leaving trainer marks all up the walls, mirrors broken and nobody telling me.

    I had an offer for someone to buy all the equipment and flooring. I’m currently slowly converting it into a giant house and intend on retiring to Cyprus in about 2 years, before I turn 40.

    I now work an office job in London. No massive stress, no customers that don’t pay and cause more damage than their membership, same guaranteed pay.

  34. I jacked my job in the week before last, I just couldn’t do it anymore, I was being shouted at on a daily basis due to other departments fuck ups. So at half 10 on a Thursday morning I wrote an email to my manager saying sorry I can’t do this anymore and closed my laptop. It was liberating. I’m now working on myself and my depression, and ADHD to try to become a functioning member of society. I just need to get a Dr’s appointment to change my meds and I’ll be better hopefully. Fuck it, do it. You get time back, if you’re really that low and want to jack it all in and start over. Do it.

  35. I used to live with my brother who was really controlling and set curfews and crazy demands on what I should be doing when I wasn’t at work,housework,shopping,picking his girlfriend and kid up at the drop of a hat.
    One night he said if I wasn’t in by midnight,he would lock the doors and wouldn’t let me in. Drove home from my girlfriends house and got home at 12.03,all the lights were still on so assumed he was still up,tried to open the door and true enough he had locked it.
    The next day, he sent a series of messages saying if it wasn’t for him, I would be on the streets and that he was massively stopping his life to let me live with him. I text back saying I’m done,I’m leaving and won’t be back,packed my car with all of my stuff and moved in with my girlfriend,seen him twice since then,that was 15 years ago. Fuck him

  36. kids don’t “complicate it a bit”, it changes everything. Once you make the decision to create a whole life, that’s it, you are responsible for that and must put them first. You cannot just up and leave. If you want to leave your partner, that’s a different story, but you do not leave your children. You stay within a practical distance. Abandoning your children is unforgivable. Get therapy.

  37. The co-managers at my last company went away on a 2 week business trip leaving the workshop supervisors in charge. The 3 workshop supervisors were high school bullies that never grew up and I had never seen eye to eye with them. We had had multiple run ins in the past and they created a horribly toxic work environment that I absolutely detested, I knew without the mangers to limit their attitude that I was going to be in for a rough couple of weeks. Literally the first day they were away I was told I would be spending the day scrapping dirt off the floors as punishment for being 3 minutes because of a crash on my commute in.

    The next day I drove up to the turn in to the industrial estate I worked on and kept driving straight on. On my way to work I’d decided I was sick of that job and all of the people there, life’s to short to stick with a job you hate and that last day was the final straw for me. When the manager messaged me to ask why I didn’t turn up to work I told him I was sick of being treated like so poorly by the supervisors, he just responded with okay and removed me from the work group chat. I never looked back and the job I got after that is where I still am now and its so much better in every way than the last place, I’m so glad I said fuck it that morning and made the change I really needed in my life.

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