Less than one week on OLD and exchanged messages with a guy who ticked every box until I asked about his living arrangements.
He told me he has been separated for 2 months but at the moment still shares the house with his wife and son. Assured me this was going to change but it’s early days.
Also, and I don’t know if this is relevant but it can be a while between messages from him and he has no window other than lunchtime to meet before xmas (I said no).
Alarm bells are ringing in my head but I don’t know if I’m overthinking it. My last, and most beautiful relationship ended because he was still in love with his ex.

  1. That old story? Please… You better believe he’s lying. Trust me, I fell for it myself 5 years ago and later discovered he was still getting family photos, wearing his ring when he wasn’t around me, and definitely NOT in the guest bed.

  2. Even if it were true, he will still have to live like he’s married. You can’t go to his place. The wife will call and interrupt any time you have together. He probably can’t even stay with you overnight. It’s not worth the trouble. And, most likely, he’s just lying. I would wait until he moves out to get involved.

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