I can’t able to talk to people in VC at most I can say is Hello. I think a lot of people are having similar problem so we can come together and help each other to improve. Having good social & communication skills open doors to better career opportunities and better social life overall.

What we would do in the group –

We can discuss and decide a roadmap so that which we can follow and improve our skills

Members who already have came out of SA can give guidance to other members

We can have daily or weekly challenge which we could force each other to complete, challenges could be like 5 min talk with any random member or may be say hello to 5 people in real life or anything that would help to improve

Main rule of our group is stay humble and respect each and every member. No NSFW profile.

If you want to join comment or DM me we can improve together šŸ¤—

  1. I am interested! Thank you for coming up with the idea I’m sure it’ll be of immense help

  2. I’d like to but don’t know if I would be accepted cause of my age, I’m 14 šŸ˜•

  3. Too anxious to join, what if I can’t speak with ppl r reply to their msgs, I will feel so awkward and embarassed.

  4. Great initiative. I’ve recently been through both individual and group therapy for social anxiety, and would love to share what I’ve learned.

  5. I would. I go into social anxiety in waves. Idk why, some months I go into it and some months I’m a social butterfly. There is no in between.

  6. It’d be great practice for offline social skills.

    I can usually vibe with certain people online, but I’m more.. reserved offline.

  7. hi , i’m interested but i can’t promise to participate in activities.

  8. Hey, I’m not too bad at the conversation I think so if you wanted to add me I’d be more than happy to try and talk to people who need it. šŸ™‚

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