Hey, so my bf and i have been together for quite some time now and at the beginning of our relationship he always encouraged me to squirt but I never did. Now it became and issue for him cause he knows I masturbate and watch porn when I am alone. We had an agreement that I will stop masturbating and watching porn and I am okay with that. I am not okay with the fact that he will break up with me if I can’t squirt. I just can’t do it, my mind won’t let me. We have great sex and everything is awesome but I just can’t do it. What should I do?

  1. It’s not a good expectation and he’s a bad bf for making you feel bad for not doing it. It’s a very unfair ultimatum and I’d leave. Not everybody can do it.

    Why does he ban you from masturbating? That is also very unfair.

  2. What the actual fuck? Do neither of you realize that not every woman CAN squirt? It’s not a mind thing. I’m 28 and have had some of the most ground shaking, full body orgasms and I’ve never once squirted.

    If he’s going to breakup with you because you’re not a squirter, you should let him go. That’s fucking toxic as shit. He shouldn’t be telling you what you can and can’t do, either. I bet he watches plenty of porn, otherwise he wouldn’t be so obsessed with this.

  3. Wth break up with him anyway. Why did he ban you from masturbating? Does he also not watch porn or masturbate then? This isn’t something that’s possible for every woman. He needs to grow up

  4. He saw something unrealistic in porn, and is now putting pressure on you to do things that are not real. Maybe next he’ll ask you to fly.

    He needs to grow up and if he’s willing to destroy the relationship over it, he needs to grow up.

  5. Literally not everyone can squirt, physiologically. And uh….. There’s nothing wrong with watching porn or masturbating. This sounds quite toxic.

  6. You should be the one breaking up with him. He’s a jerk and an idiot. Most women can’t squirt. He’s dumb for thinking you can magically start squirting because he wants you to. And he’s a complete jerk for telling you he’ll dump you if you don’t. Find someone better.

  7. honestly i get the porn boundary as long as he isn’t watching it either can’t be a one way street but the squirting ? if it’s such a deal breaking for him i say leave him. not all women can squirt and that’s such a weird thing to make or break a relationship…

  8. He’s a moron. Not every person is capable of doing that. Shitty that by your comments he’s compared you to past partners who have been able to do it. Piss on him and then dump him lol

  9. He’s going to break up with you if you can’t force your body to do something most women can’t do?

    Hes going to throw away your relationship over SQUIRTING?

  10. Your bf has been reading reddit and watching too much porn. Very few woman can squirt. Reddit makes it seem like any woman xan don’t at will, it’s BS

  11. Hi,

    Perhaps you could squirt, but you would need to feel relaxed, super aroused and safe, and definitely with all that pressure It will never happen that way (I can do It, so I do know what it is like)

    That a man wants to break with you if you “can’t perform” is a big red flag. And I’m just assuming here, but I imagine he wants It to be whatever idea he got from watching porn (it’s not like that in real life) and wants the bragging rights without caring much for your pleassure.

    Find a better Guy.

  12. Not everyone’s actual body can squirt. If a boyfriend of mine REQUIRED that I do something I am physically incapable of I would break up, obviously. I don’t do well with willfully misunderstanding women’s bodies or with imposing requirements on my sexuality. I would also not find it acceptable for him to require that I not masturbate or watch porn at all, that’s my business.

  13. Pee on him when you are having sex. He’ll get what he wants and will be none the wiser.

  14. Out of the 25 or so women I have been with in my life only 3 of them squirted. Personally I am not a fan of it.

  15. I believe it is easier for you to squirt while masturbating than with intercourse. Anyway, squirting requires training, and not all can reach it. Deeper research required.

  16. Okay, first of all – this guy is a weirdo cuz it’s probably his fault anyway that you can’t squirt cuz he’s not helping you c0me ?

    anyway , if you ever feel the build up sensation as you’re ..being..pounded (sorry for lack of better terminology here ) or having sex – you will suddenly feel the urgency to almost ..pee?

    I always mistook this for having to pee and would interrupt sex for like 15 minutes cuz my body had to adjust (this is a thing) back to regular bodily functions (your body preps for sexual intercourse) – and when you feel the build up – push..like you would push your pee out if you were having troubles..and eventually your body will do it on its own after some time..my late husband (he passed away early – I am not old) always argued about me not squirting and I finally figured it out..then I got with a guy that knew how to hit that spot more and more & boom! It was great not having to actually push after a few times and you’ll get even more sensitive afterwards and sex feels x3 better – I can’t begin to describe it because I’m pretty abstinent right now (not looking for someone on Reddit – but thanks to any guys following)

    so I hope this helps

    But honestly, ditch this guy if that’s what he is trying to make you do! He sounds like a control freak and it’s best to get away now!

  17. okay, first of all, not everyone can.

    second, projectile squirting (like, across the room) is a disorder and is really only seen in porn movies.

    third, there are ways to get more natural lubricant and a deeper orgasm, so you can TRY to do it, but if you can’t, don’t stress.

  18. Wtf. Squirting has NOTHING to do with orgasming. Many many many women don’t squirt.
    And many women in porn don’t even squirt for real. It’s literally faked.
    Your boyfriend watches too much porn and sounds immature as fuck

    If that’s a deal breaker for him. Dump him. You deserve better

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