Gonna rant here. It’s horribly unfulfilling. Just kissing girls for the thrill of it used to be fun, but I don’t get as nearly as much excitement as I used to. The more dates I’ve went on, the less fun they have gotten. I feel so burnt out. The past year has either been me temporarily dating people out of boredom or me getting rejected by people I really like. I’ve grown out of the whole dating people out of boredom thing, I want something serious at this point. I know what I want. But I just wanna give up. It’s all so tiresome

  1. 35F here and I can relate. Sorry you feel that way. It sure is a mental toll. Xoxo

  2. Don’t give up. You will find the right one. Maybe prefer someone who hasn’t been dating for too long and/or someone with a long engagement track record.

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