Both in our mid 20s. I think the third date was full of nerves for both of us. It took a while to both relax some. she arrived more nervous than id seen her. We had made out before, other stuff too. There were only a few moments of intimacy this third time. There was close body contact most of the night in the bar with our knees under the table. lots of gazing into each other eyes, all that nice stuff, nervous jokes. There were a few brief kisses, but there was a tension that underlined things. there were some brief rallies, but it became clear early on that between work early in the morning and how things were going it wasnt going to be an extended night, or even end up going home together again.

The other two times were really natural and romantic, i took her home even. But then because of a trip I had to take we hadn’t been out for 5 weeks since the last date, so momentum was lost. we had kept in touch throughout. And now I’m leaving again for two weeks so this date was really important to happen now and not later.

She seemed diappointed at the end, i gave her a quick kiss on the lips. I was disappointed too. I texted her after that I wasn’t feeling 100% as I’d also had a cold for a week that had only just subsided by the time we went out, and she replied that it was all good and to enjoy my holiday with family. I kind of want to take a step back maybe and detach, enjoy my holiday and let things settle, let her breathe, as the 5 week wait had let tension in, followed by a not so great date.

Can anyone help me understand what’s wrong? and what I should do next? she’s not a great texter (confirmed by her friends)

1 comment
  1. the problem is obviously the fact that it’s been a month since your last date. i doubt she feels comfortable emotionally investing in someone who isn’t around.

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