Not driving rn ofc. This was from an earlier situation

  1. Pull over, let them pass and then flash your lights. They will either get annoyed or figure it out.

  2. Chances are you can’t.

    If they’re paying so little attention they don’t realise they’re being such an idiot in the first place, the penny probably won’t drop with whatever you do.

  3. I’ve never done this and don’t know if it’s the accepted way to communicate it, but someone once told me to flash hazard lights in that scenario.

  4. Made worse with daytime running lights. The amount of people who have no rear lights on because they have daytime lights on the front is ridiculous

  5. If you’re on an unlit road, turn your own lights off so you’re both in darkness. They’ll figure it out pretty quick.

    (Don’t actually do this)

  6. If you’re at traffic lights turn your lights on and off a few times if it’s safe to do so

  7. Turn your own lights off and on a couple of times. But honestly with modern streetlamps even then they may not realise what’s going on. If you’re on an unlit road they will!

  8. Use the hazard lights and slow right down, possibly use the old fashioned hand signals out of the window.

  9. I just flash my rear fog lights a couple of times, that way there’s an obvious flashing light at them, but doesn’t mean I’m turning mine off or pressing the brakes as I don’t want to cause an accident.

  10. Signal left, pull over and stop, thus forcing them to pass you by, and then realise they cannot see the road in front of them.

  11. They’re more likely to cause an accident than turn their lights on.

    My advice in this situation is to apply the right foot and get the hell away from them.

  12. I flashed a car ahead of me a couple of times a few weeks ago. Fucking prick brake checked me. It took about a dozen oncoming drivers flashing them until they realised. It was on an unlit country road so don’t know how they didn’t realize for so long. In retrospect I probably should’ve reported them in case they were dui.

  13. I turn my lights on and off a few times whether in front of behind. Flashing people isn’t always noticed could be a bump in the road.

  14. Flash fog lights at them.

    Slow down and stop, blocking the entire road, then get out and wave/shout to them they’re a “fking retard and need their license taking off them”

    Unless you’re on a bike(push or motor), then don’t bother, because they’ll get road rage and try to kill you.

  15. If it’s safe to do so, turn your lights off for a second or so.

    Rinse and repeat until they get the idea

  16. Hazards

    Flick fog light on/off

    If safe, hazards and flick your lights on/off (ONLY if safe to do so like in a well lit area where they may not realise their lights are not on)

    Flashed someone the other day in the heavy fog – they angrily flashed back but did not put any lights on.

  17. Brake hard as if no one is behind you. If they hit you say, well you would have seen that deer run out if you had your lights on.

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