My (F) longtime friend (M52) Is on vacation with his two kids. M17, F15.

Their hotel room has two double beds. He mentioned casually that him and his daughter were sleeping in the same bed, Son got his own bed.

TBH, this is grossing me out. I don’t believe abuse is involved, But this seems wildly inappropriate to me. Why wouldn’t he just have the kids sleep together?

Would love your thoughts and insights on this…

Thanks men of Reddit.

  1. You’re way overthinking this. Like, way.

    No permutation of this seems unreasonable to me.

  2. I think different family dynamics mean there are different norms. I don’t see anything wrong with the setup, it’s probably better that way anyhow. Teen boys go to sleep and get boners…WAY grosser for her to wake up with an accidental poke from her sleeping brother than to share a bed with the guy who wiped her poop away for years and who would likely step in front of a bus to save her life.

    I think you’re overthinking this to a wild degree. You already state that you don’t think there’s abuse so there’s some narrative you’ve allowed in that makes you think SOMEthing is wrong here…but it’s a very very very minor percentage of men who would even think to make this a bad situation, much less act on it. Men aren’t gross demons, fathers will die to protect their kids. There’s no reason to assume anything else.

  3. I’m more grossed out by people that immediately jump to salacious conclusions than this situation.

  4. I would sex segregate. I’d sleep with my son, and my daughter would get her own bed.

    Or I’d sleep on the floor, and each kid would get a bed.

    But under no circumstances would I have any male sleep in the same bed as a teenage girl. That just seems wrong to me.

  5. I would feel comfortable sleeping beside either of my parents at any age of my life, including my very-much adult age now. If we’re on vacation and there’s limited sleeping space, I wouldn’t care a bit to sleep beside my mother or father. So long as there is not suspicion of abuse, this would be perfectly normal in my own family’s culture.

  6. The kids sleeping in the same bed as teens! Are you completely crazy? Dads and kids can sleep in the same bed; I see nothing wrong with this. The son may have chosen these arrangements or the daughter.

    As a 17-year-old boy, I would not want to wake up with my **morning glory** with either my sister or father next to me.

  7. I’d bring along an air mattress and sleep on the floor while the kids got the bed. Option 2 would be what he is doing, I’m not forcing two teens to sleep together. My daughter will always be my little girl. There are boundaries to respect and I need to let them grown up, but this is fine. Someday she’ll be a fully grown woman with her own life and she’ll still be my little girl in my heart, even if I treat her like an adult.

  8. >TBH, this is grossing me out. I don’t believe abuse is involved, But this seems wildly inappropriate to me.

    Finding it inappropriate is one thing, but might I ask why *abuse* popped into your head ?

    >Why wouldn’t he just have the kids sleep together?

    Daughters probably feel safer with their dads. Son might pop a boner. Son might be a restless sleeper. Could be anything.

  9. Would you feel as creeped out or even have a single thought of abuse if it was a mother and her 15 year old son having to share a hotel bed?

    This shit is why solo fathers don’t even wanna bring their own children to the park or shopping by themselves lmao. Men are immediately suspected to be predators.

  10. > M17, F15

    > Why wouldn’t he just have the kids sleep together?

    Huh. Whaddya know. There actually *are* people who haven’t watched porn.

  11. completely depends on how their relationship is, I imagine for most men, this isn’t a problem (sharing a bed with their daughters).

    To be honest… this actually makes more sense to me than having my son and daughter share a bed at their age.

    AT MOST, only other arrangement is for me (or dad) to share a bed with the son and daughter gets their own bed.

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