Hello I am 19M and I need some advice on how to become less awkward I guess. I have came to a realization that I am completely socially awkward, when I try to talk to someone in public my voice doesn’t come out. For example I usually go to the gym later in the day but today I decided to go early so there was a lady working at the reception and as I walked in she greeted me, and I completely froze up and did an awkward head nod and couldn’t say anything. For years I’ve told myself that I am just introvert but that is not the case, I try to avoid social situations as much as possible. It was also not as bad as now, In high school and prior to COVID I was alright in social situations not the best. But now I avoid everyone and everything.

  1. I understand how you feel I think I’m in a similar situation. I might be generalising but it sounds like you Avoidant Personality Disorder(AVPD). Where you have a fear of rejection and avoid social situation. I can’t rly tell you if you do but I suggest you search for the symptoms of the disorder and decide whether or not they align with you. Once you have determined if you have it or not you can then see a therapist to help you deal with it.

    If you don’t want to go to a therapist all you need to do is just regularly expose yourself to social situations eventually you will learn not to fear them and become relatively comfortable talking to people. That is obvs more difficult on your own which is why a therapist can help.

  2. For me when i have long periods where i dont talk alot to people i find myself getting awkward aswell. However when i constantly talk to strangers or coworkers or what have you i feel like my social skills are getting fresh and sharpened. So my advice is to just practice, next time try saying hello first to the woman in the reception or anywhere and get out of your comfort zone. After a while you are going to get more comfortable talking to people and its going to come to you more naturally

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