I (21m) was talking to a girl on hinge, we were talking and I told her that I tell people I’m 5’10 but I’m actually 6’2. And she responded by saying”are you actually 5’10 that’s embarrassing. I would never date anyone under 6ft” so I told her that the statement rubbed me the wrong way and I’m no longer interested and wished her the best.

Edit- I only tell people I’m 5’10 in person as a a joke because It’s obvious I’m taller

  1. Good man. Let these types price themselves out of the dating market by automatically eliminating 90+% of their choices with dumb shit like this.

  2. 6′ is the magic number these days. i see it on the girls profiles quite often as a requirement.

  3. Anyone should be able to date or deny dating for any reason, however it doesn’t mean those reasons aren’t shallow. If I was over 6ft and someone said that to me I’d probably run too.

  4. Why tell her your actual height then? Just say you’re 5’10” on everything and never give in. Height does not really matter and you’ll weed out people who think it does.

  5. This whole story reeks of “short king” energy. Guess what: girls don’t have to date short guys. Guys don’t have to date big girls. Girls don’t have to date guys who care about weight and guys don’t have to date girls who care about height. Nobody is entitled to anyone.

    Be honest about your actual height so you match with girls who’re into guys like you.

  6. That’s definitely a fair reason not to date someone.

    But I also wouldn’t lie about your height as that’s a weird thing to lie about and you now make the first interaction we have include a lie. Not a great place to start a relationship.

  7. “Is it wrong to deny a girl because she would date anyone under 6ft”

    “I tell people I’m 5’10 but I’m actually 6’2”

    “she responded by saying ”are you actually 5’10 that’s embarrassing. I would never date anyone under 6ft”

    Life is a *personal* journey.

    Each of us is entitled to have our own mate selection screening process and *must haves list*.

    Each of us is entitled to have our own “red flags”, boundaries, and “deal breakers”.

    Some people might consider your *lying* about your height or “testing people” to be *playing games* which in their eyes might be a “deal breaker”. At least she was *upfront* about *her wants*.

    One person’s *preference* is another person’s *shallowness*.

    Most people you meet don’t become dates, most dates don’t become relationships, and most relationships don’t lead to marriage. As one adage goes: “Many are called but few are chosen.”

    ***”Dating is primarily a numbers game…. People usually go through a lot of people to find good relationships. That’s just the way it is.”*** – Henry Cloud

    Best wishes!

  8. I don’t believe the height preference is an issue its how she chose to speak about it. Saying you prefer taller men in a respectful way is fine. Saying that its “embarrassing” to be that short is a joke. The fact she felt a man should be embarrassed about himself due to his height is vile. I think you made a great choice.

  9. You’re out here playing games so I’m not sure why you think you have any moral superiority over anyone. Sounds like a personal issue you should address.

  10. Girls like that are shallow. Block, ignore, move on. They’ll set themselves up for failure in relationships.

  11. OP – you have height working in your favour. Use it. With this girl, I would have met up, flirted, banged, and kept as a FWB.

  12. Date who you want but the person you are talking to thinks it’s perfectly acceptable to tell someone else that their body is “embarrassing”.

    That’s a trash mentality and if it were me I’d let her know exactly why she was being dropped.

  13. Good for you for telling her you found it offensive, maybe she will think twice in the future

  14. no that’s. a huge red flag and your instincts are right, means she isn’t really interested in the person just the stats

  15. I have not used dating apps in a long while now but when I did, if a girl mentioned a height requirement it was an instant swipe left, I’m 6′ but it rubs me the wrong way.

  16. My (5’9”) best friend (6’2”) does stuff like this and I really respect it! If a guy likes a woman for her body/physique or whatever, he’s a pig, but if a woman likes a guy just because he’s over 6’ it’s suddenly “a preference”. It’s such an unbelievably stupid double standard, especially considering you can’t even change/control your height! So I say good on ya! Stand up against modern misandry and unrealistic physical standards for men.

  17. she’s a big red flag but why are you lying about your height… both of you are in the wrong

  18. I’m the “short” friend in my group and I’m 5’10”. Literally all my friends are 6′ – 6’4′ lol and we actually had a conversation about this once. The consensus was that they would all hookup with a woman who was obsessed with a mans height but, would not date a woman who only dates men “6′ or taller” because they don’t want to be fetishized or liked because of their height, and not themselves.

  19. It’s normal for people to have preferences. You can’t control it if you don’t like average hight guys. Just like you can’t control it if you are only attracted to men who are 4 foot 10.

  20. She can decide why she’s not interested. You can decide why you’re not interested. It’s not that deep.

  21. It seems height is the only criteria with some women. Good for you calling her out. I can’t understand the fascination of 6ft from girls a foot shorter.

  22. Considering only 14.5% of American men are 6 feet and over, and that doesn’t include ages, married/in relationships, gay, attractive, social/economic status, and most importantly, if he even likes her, it’s safe to think she’s the type of woman that is ultra difficult to please and probably a bad bet for a relationship.

    I would casually date her, but not take her seriously.

  23. I did just recently advise my very handsome socially awkward 6’2” grandson that if any gal is only looking for 6’ or taller to take a pass on that shit. I think this has been said already, that’s trash talking… leave the trash at the curb.

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