When I’m sad or lonely I want to mess around with a guy. I know I’ll feel like shit later but in the moment I don’t care. When it’s over I feel sad all over again. I’ll come home and cry for hours. I just want someone to like and love me. I’ve always been rejected. I’m obsessed with guys thinking I’m pretty. I feel like everyone hates me and I just want everyone to love me.

  1. Although am a guy and can relate. I have the same feelings. It’s just difficult to know who likes you and more difficult to get things going. I can’t do anything besides let it be like it and crying. I hope you find someone.

    It’s pretty normal to feel like you are being liked by someone. Love is a very necessary human feeling, and nothing wrong if we crave for it.

  2. Stop letting people use you. Those people will never like or love you if you are letting them use your body. You gotta respect yourself enough to command respect from others and don’t give it up so easily. Find more healthy ways of coping with difficult emotions, less likely to result in STDs.

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