I met my friend back in high school 6 years ago. We had a group of friends during those years, but we all gone out to do our own things. There’s a particular friend I grew fond of over the years but it’s sad to say I find him irritable to be around with. Since last year, he has been struggling mentally, emotionally, and financially. I gave him the helping hand because I would want someone to help me if I were to hit a tough spot. My friends have vouched for him so that he can get a job. Every single time, he refuses the opportunity or he quits a few weeks after he got the job, simply because he doesn’t like to be told what to do. I’ve helped him out the entirety of last year. He constantly came over to eat the meals my mom has made. I let him sleepover at my place since he had nowhere else to go. He spent an entire week with me, from morning to night, and admittedly it is exhausting. I needed my own space. I recently came back home to visit for the holidays, because I did joined the military, and I wanted to catch up with friends. I came back and my friend was a whole lot worse, compared to how I remembered him. He looked like a bum and he let himself go. Hanging out with him this time around was draining. He kept bitching about this high school girl that rejected him three years ago. He keeps talking to me about God, and for some reason he’s gotten more homophobic. I keep tellling him, don’t bite the hand that feeds you. I’m gay btw, and it’s frustrating having to sit through all that and listen to him shit on the LGBT. He’s gotten more judge mental. he has been asking me for too much money that he promises will pay me back, which I doubt. And he overstays his welcome in my room. I am not sure if I want to be his friend anymore, but I would feel bad if I cut him off because he has told me he would have ended his life already, had it not been for me.

  1. It may help them if you let them know of the findings that you have. They may listen to your view or not, they at least get to see a different side. Some will say you don’t owe it to them. I figure that there’s a possibility where they may get the message, so why not. Try to keep it neutral and stick to the facts to help improve the odds of a better result. No obligations, just a different view

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