Could be multiple ways too. Did you eventually enter into a relationship? Did you make the hard decision to leave that friendship? Or have you stayed friends and just pushed those feelings deep down?

  1. Ffs. If you’ve been “friend zoned” you don’t, you find another chick.

    Some women like orbiters who pine away for them even though the woman has no interest because its an ego and self esteem boost. Women like feeling desired and wanted by men.

    But its going to be some other guy who gets her in the sack and dates her, it won’t be you.

  2. You don’t brother once you have those feeling you either move on or your stick around long to see them disapate. 90% of the time

  3. Bro. If she’s not interested don’t get in the “friend zone” queue hoping you’re next in line. Have some self-respect and say “no thanks” and move on.

  4. I never had a friend who was a girl. If I liked them, I would talk to them and ask them out. If they rejected me, that’s it. I’m gone.

    Girls can tell if they like you within the first 5 mins. No need to be friends first. If you see someone you are attracted to, approach them.

  5. The friend-zone means she’s not interested, so I’d respect her wishes and respect myself enough to let it go and direct my time & energies elsewhere because I want to be with someone who wants to be with me.
    I wouldn’t want to be an orbiter just hanging around her in the hopes of eventually getting a shot – that’s manipulative, desperate, & creepy.

  6. If you’ve been friendzoned that means that she explicitly does not want to pursue a relationship with you. Sorry boss, it is not happening. Better to listen to a sad song, and put it past you. Move on to the next one.

  7. I’ve always distanced myself. But I’ve seen guys stick around until the girl is single. ‘He’s just a friend’ is ‘I have a dick in a glass’ that is, like a fire extinguisher at work- she just needs to break the glass.

  8. The friend zone aint some magical place. If a girl doesn’t see you as relationship material then you will probably never make her think otherwise.

  9. Find a woman who will give you what you want, and if you want, rub it in the face of those who never took a chance on you while they complain about who they’re with.

  10. You shoot your shot, if it misses you move on.

    That’s it. The “friendzone” is entirely the creation of men. Sometimes a woman you’re into doesn’t reciprocate. That’s okay, you dust off and move on. If you can’t do that in regular proximity, there’s nothing wrong with saying you don’t want to be friends and peacing out.

  11. I simply cut all connections. It was hard but after 2 weeks came the thought “why i even bother thinking about her and her manipulations?” and it was over- once again i became capable of happiness.

    You need to realise that friend-zone *NEVER* grows into something meaningful. It doesn’t matter why she do all this “suddenly you’re actually attractive” or “excessive affection” tricks, it’d be better for yourself to just cut that thing away.

  12. There are only two possible outcomes: either you burn the bridge yourself or she does after she no longer has any reason to keep you around. It’s inevitable and every day you’re wasting on false hope is a day you’re not looking/spending with the one that’s meant for you.

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