(F) 21 (M) 22
So today I revived a text message from a friend that my boyfriend sent a dick pic unsolicited to one of my friends.
So starting from the beginning me and 5 people had a few drinks some were drunk and some were sober. I was a sober one and my boyfriend was drunk. We got home and slept and this was reported to me at 3pm. Here’s a few things they said “I don’t know how to tell you this smoothly, but I was told that A (bf) sent a dick picture to M. M showed N and J.“ “Last night, he went into our bathroom and took a picture of it. After the conversation about skinny guys having big dicks.” “I believe on instagram. She had a screen shot of it. Im unaware of the full story. I just knew I’d have to tell you.”
I confront my boyfriend about it and he says he has 0 clue what’s happening and swears that he didn’t do it because he’s been cheated on before. I go on his phone and nothing is there. So I proceed to ask the girl who said he did this and her response was “I did not engage in a conversation with your bf. I will not send anything to you ,Im not gonna be put in the middle of this.“ then she said “Like I said , I’m not getting involved. I did not do anything.” I didn’t want to make her uncomfortable… I find it odd that she can’t just show me even if it was unprovoked. I then proceed to ask another person who she’s showed it to and they said “Leave me out of it please. I’m not getting in the middle”… why won’t anyone prove it to me?
My boyfriend gave me his phone with no problem and I found nothing, not even in deleted folders. He even is allowing me to get deleted data which comes in 48 hours, why would he allow me if he isn’t hiding anything.
My boyfriend also has an alibi which was one of my friends who we’ll call A. A is saying my bf was with him the whole time and that none of that happened, and that they are all lying to cause drama and a rift in our relationship. A is saying to just block them because they are blatantly lying.
Then there’s me who not once saw him go to the bathroom because My friend was puking in it the whole time. And when she wasn’t in there I was outside with them and he never went inside once. I even remember the “skinny guys have big dicks” talk. He not once went inside it was me who did to get food for him WHO WAS OUTSIDE THE WHOLE TIME.
But why would two people that I trust fully lie?

I can’t act upon leaving him if there’s no proof and I need advice. Idk what to do…

1 comment
  1. Sometimes friends will dislike other friends partners, for reasons both reasonable and unreasonable. This sounds like one of those moments, clearly their not fans and unreasonably concocted a “hitpiece” to throw your relationship into doubt for their gain.
    Problem being they clearly didn’t think through the process and didn’t expect him to have a solid alibi or forthcoming absence of guilt play of letting you peruse his phone freely.
    My advice ditch the friends or confront them, whichever sounds more appropriate. But takeaway here is unless they give you undeniable proof, your boyfriend is proving the more trustworthy. Best of luck! Also wish you less drama going forward.

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