I met a girl 2 weeks ago. We talked a lot, danced and even had a small kiss. At the end of the evening I asked her phone number and got it. (Even did he trick with writing her name a bit wrong. She fixed the mistake). I messaged her a couple of days later and we are currently messaging each other every day (not much, just a couple of messages). I actually talked about getting sushi as a first date the night I met her. She thought that was a great idea. I proposed the idea and we planned the date. The day before the date she said that she overlooked something on her planning and couldn’t attend. Was a bit devastated by her message and didn’t reply for 2 days. She said she was sorry, but didn’t propose a new date or day. Even though she says things like ‘you are crazy’. ‘I like a bit craziness’. Getting mixed signals over here.

I find it difficult to just go to: hey, shall we plan a new day for sushi? I want the initiative to also come from her. Any advise for me?

  1. You have to strike while the iron is hot my friend. Try to plan the date in the first few messages, and preferably have the date no more than 3 days later.

    I get that you found the evening when you guys danced and kissed special, but you’d be surprised how often most women get hit on, especially if they’re on dating apps. There’s a good chance she doesn’t even remember that night as much as you do. Out of 10 phone numbers I get, I know I’ll probably end up going on the actual date with 2-3 of them, and the rest will flake. That’s just the nature of the dating market.

    And I wouldn’t hold your breath on waiting for her to show initiative after flaking. Just move on to the next woman.

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