I somehow got invited to go out for a movie with a friend and a couple of acquaintances and afterwards we’re supposed to go over to one of the couples’ place for board games. I was told it’s polite not to come empty-handed but I’m not sure what I could bring seeing as we’re going to see a movie beforehand so it can’t be anything edible of flowers which would just go bad in the car waiting.

What do I bring? Do I even bring anything? It feels like something I should know but I don’t really meet new people much and it’s been a while since I’ve been to someone’s (who isn’t a close friend) house.

  1. It depends on the atmosphere, alcohol, maybe some snacks, something for show and tell? You could really impress your host by baking something also

  2. hmm maybe you could bring some drinks. Or ask your friend what are they bringing so you have an idea more or less of what is expected to bring. I think in general there is no commom conception of what you should bring to a home where you are invited, it depends very much in what activity you will do, who will you be with, and other factors

  3. Ask.

    If you’re going to a movie first I don’t think they’d expect anything, because nobody wants to carry random stuff through the theater.

    Most likely people will chip in for pizza or something.

  4. Who told you it’s impolite to go empty handed? Usually it’s polite to bring something but I wouldn’t say impolite to not bring.

    For boardgames if everyone is into beers can bring craft beers or just beers/ciders in general. Or some fruits/snacks (like chips) those can be left in the car. Sometimes my friends bring cookies they bake but you don’t need to go out of your way to bake them if you don’t bake often.

  5. Mixed nuts are always good as long as nobody is allergic. Peppridge (sp!) Farms cookies are usually a hit too.

  6. Bring something that you like that you can share like soda, chips or cookies. All these will be fine left in the car.

  7. Don’t pick anything up before the movie. Afterwards, ask if you can grab anything on the way to their house (this might depend on your plans for transportation). Otherwise, make sure you have cash to help pay for take-out at their place.

    The movie slightly complicates it, but in most cases when you accept an invitation, always ask, “Sounds great, what can I bring?”

  8. When in doubt, bring a six pack of the local brew.

    If a non-drinker, bring a sixer of a fancy soda.

  9. Pretzels, chips, cookies, coffee cake, olive oil flatbread, muffins. Finger foods are great for board games, although if it’s like Risk or DnD, then yknow, people have time for a full turkey dinner between turns.

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