There’s this girl at my school. She has gorgeous sparkling eyes, beautiful smile and a pretty face. She has a lisp which in my ears and eyes makes her even more beautiful. She’s my friends old classmate so we all kinda sit together. I’ve caught her looking at me many times and I don’t really think about it that much. After all I catch eyes with a lot of girls in my school so it might be just a coincidence that we are looking at each other. (If anyone knows what it means that I “catch eyes” with many girls, please tell me. I just think it’s normal and I ignore it).
Today I looked at her and she was looking at me. I “quickly” look away and a couple seconds later look back. She also looks at me. This happened three times in a row.

I feel so fucking stupid writing this in here and might delete it soon. I just wanted to share my feelings with someone. I don’t want to think that I’m “obsessed” with her or anything but hey, first stage is denial.

I’m a male, 17 and very unexperienced with girls. And what I mean by “catching eyes” is that me and another person are looking at each other for a short time, then look away and we both notice it. Sometimes many times in a row.

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