Okay, so this might be a slightly weird question. I just watched a video of an american reacting to German Sauna culture, and in that video the huge difference in the perception and general expected reaction to nudity between the US and Germany came up.

It was especially mentioned how people are basically never or rarely nude around other people without a sexual context in the US.

Which lead me to the question above. I wanted to write more context, but sadly i am not allowed to.

  1. Not since I would shower with my mom when I was like 5 or 6?

    Never seen my dad naked and don’t want to or plan on it.

  2. Wait, you guys aren’t naked in the sauna? Isn’t that… uncomfortable? (sorry, I don’t want to detail your thread)

  3. >It was especially mentioned how people are basically never or rarely nude around other people without a sexual context in the US.

    Correct, this isn’t that odd for a country. Sauna’s are not common in America though they exist, mainly nude Korean sauna’s found in the most densely populated counties / cities.

    In America, you can find nude beaches, saunas, campgrounds, resorts and clubs. There is a nudism culture in America but it’s a niche culture. If you’re interested, here is a (short) list of nude friendly attractions in America. While you’re at it, look up [Folsom, CA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Urm7EZv0I1) which is one of a few cities that allow public nudity in America.


    But, to your point, seeing people you aren’t having sex with (or as a child to your parents only) is largely uncommon in many countries, including America.

  4. Used to shower with my parents as a little kid, so definitely then. I’ve also walked in on changing before.

    Other than that no.

  5. We don’t have a sauna culture in the US so there just wouldn’t be the opportunity to see other people casually naked.

    Some people are more comfortable changing in the common area within the gym’s showers/locker rooms, but that’s real quick and not for extended periods. And there’s usually stalls available for those who want privacy.

  6. Social nudity is uncommon in the US, as are public venues for social nudity. The overwhelming majority of Americans would be uncomfortable hanging out naked with people other than their romantic partners.

    That being said, almost all of us have seen our parents and siblings naked in passing on occasion.

    Locker rooms at gyms/ pools also often do not offer much privacy. But in both of those circumstances, you’re not naked in the presence of other people for any longer than necessary.

    (Edited to add) Some additional thoughts, just based on my personal perspective:

    1) Personally, I have no particular discomfort with the idea of friends (of either gender) seeing me naked. There’s nothing unusual or surprising about the parts that I generally keep covered. That being said, I would find it weird if a friend cared about seeing me naked. Or: if a friend happened to see me naked, whatever. If a friend proposed hanging out naked together, I would wonder about a potential sexual motive.

    2) Social nudity can potentially give a window into certain aspects of a person’s sex life that are no business of anybody except for the person or people they are sexually involved with. Examples: genital piercings, pubic hair maintenance, relative sizes and shapes of various parts.

    3) How does this work with young adults and adolescents? I can easily imagine some deeply uncomfortable situations arising from mixed-gender social nudity during that period of life. I recognize that this may be partly a product of our attitude towards nudity, and thus a non-issue in a culture where social nudity is normalized.

  7. Generally we consider it very awkward and weird. Probably the same reason why most parents wouldn’t kiss their child on the lips. We see it as sexual.

  8. Yeah, when I was a kid. Like in the open changing room at the pool, or if I was sitting in my parents’ bedroom talking to one parent and the other came in from the shower or whatever. My family wasn’t paranoid about nudity like some families are. But we also didn’t, like, hang around nude together or go naked in the rest of the house or whatever.

  9. My dad once fainted during a midnight piss and I was the only one home to help him and clean up the mess. I’ve never seen my mom fully naked, but I have seen my best friend’s mom fully naked.

  10. I saw my fiancé parents naked…but I haven’t seen my parents naked probably since I was 4 or 5?

  11. Yes. My father in a shower as young boy, and my mother in a sauna in the same time period. These were north woods Minnesotans, and did not consider mere nudity as sexual, around children. I was naked too, after all. We were washing ourselves.

    Once I hit puberty, of course, no.

  12. Saw my step dad rail my mom in a pretzel 🥨 style formation when I was 8 I opened the door then closed it went to room and just thousand yard stared into oblivion until I went to sleep

  13. Probably both but for different reasons and nothing shady. My best friend did say her first D see was my Dads.. and nothing shady there either. She slept over in middle school, Dad didnt know she was in frontroom.. phone rang late at night and he ran out to answer it in his pjs or lack off. She saw and no biggie.. i dont know if dad even knew she saw him. Just a funny story she tells now, and my dad has been dead since early 80s.

  14. I’ve seen my mom breastfeed my younger siblings. That’s it and I hope it stays that way.

  15. OMG, I was staying at my dad’s (88M) house a few years ago. It was bedtime and I was getting ready for bed when I heard a noise in the back hall. Came out from my room to find him entirely naked in the hall. I think he was checking to make sure the back door was locked. We were both traumatized.

  16. I have when I was a kid. It was always inadvertent, like accidentally walking into a room while someone was changing or taking a bath.. and I played basketball with my dad quite a bit, and was in the same locker room as him. But, we’re talking brief snippets and I would never hold eye contact or try to talk to them while naked.

  17. Sure. See this is the disadvantage to caring for older parents or sick ones. You will see them naked. You will likely clean them after using the restroom.
    Also in the military you do group showers by gender. And the only way to some weapons shops were through the guys bathroom. So I have seen many with zero sexuality.

  18. My mom, yes, all the time. She has dementia and I have to help her take a shower and get dressed, etc. My dad has been dead for a few years but that would be a different story for sure.

    My parents were total hippies and I definitely saw casual nudity when I was a kid though, no big deal. Like one time that I remember my mom’s best friend had a pool party and she (the friend) went skinny dipping, as did a few other people. Saunas aren’t extremely popular here and I don’t really know what people do at them. I do want to go to a Korean spa where I know that everyone is in the nude, but it’s all women, I don’t think I would want to do it if men were around. (There is another spa I was looking at that also has communal bathing facilities that is mixed gender, but their communal bathing alternates every day between men and women.)

  19. We’re Japanese-American so family communal bathing was common when my siblings and I were little. When we got older, full nudity was no longer a thing, but my parents still felt comfortable being seen in their underwear.

    Now I only see my mom naked when we go to an onsen. Naked bathing with strangers is no big deal, but it’s gender segregated.

    But generally yeah, Anglosphere countries have an Anglo attitude towards nudity and find it shocking.

  20. My mom, yes. She would get dressed in her bedroom area which did not have a closed door. Also, if she was in the bath tub and I needed to get something from the bathroom, it was no big deal for me to go in and grab whatever. I have kind of the same attitude with my kids (who are young still, 6 and under), where I don’t go out of my way to be naked in front of my kids, but but I don’t care if they see me in the bath or getting changed.

    I’ve never seen my dad naked and I have no plans to.

  21. >It was especially mentioned how people are basically never or rarely nude around other people without a sexual context in the US.

    That depends. I grew up swimming with my friends in my undergarments or naked. It’s not a big deal to go skinny dipping with a group. I did this into my mid 20s. I have been to nude beaches and love them but cellphones make that impossible now. Swimming nude is not sexual. It is so freeing and fun.

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