What are your travel plans for the Christmas weekend? Will you modify them at all due to the weather?

  1. Going over to my parents’. It’s only a short drive from Seattle to one of its suburbs and I’m a competent snow and ice driver. I’ll be just fine.

  2. Well in King county (Seattle area) there is a wind chill warning from the NWS for today, winter storm warnings for later today, and a risk of flooring on Friday night once it warms a little.

    My flight is very early on Saturday so I should be in for good times. Oh yeah, also, people on Reddit were saying that Alaska Airlines bag check belts are not working so it’s taking forever today to check your bags.

  3. I might go for walks. If there’s freezing rain tomorrow maybe I won’t go for a walk.

    I quit travelling for Christmas years ago. The hassle to enjoyment ratio was not favorable.

  4. I am cuddling up in my apartment with my cats and my fiance. No plans to leave the house. Gonna be awesome.

  5. Packing up the wife and kids and we’re headed to the Grandparent’s. No plans are changing, just going to drive through. It’s only supposed to get cold here with minimal precipitation.

  6. Staying inside until the 25th. We are already visiting near Chicago so in the heart of it. Waiting to learn whether our flight home is cancelled.

  7. Seems like it’s gonna get icy overnight on Friday, I don’t think I have plans to travel more than a mile or two on Saturday so I’ll be fine

  8. Driving about 100 miles to my cousins house Sunday. Just cold here but might be icy today and tomorrow.

  9. I have the sole heir to both sides of the family and a home big enough to accommodate all.

    They will come to me.

  10. We already traveled Tuesday into the refrigerator called Cedar Rapids Iowa to my daughter’s. We are here until Monday, then the 8 hour drive back home

  11. My cousin is a doctor and can’t join us for Christmas because she has to work at the hospital so it will just be my parents, myself and my aunt and uncle for dinner. We will exchange gifts.

  12. I fortunately moved a lot closer to family this year, so I only have to drive about a half hour (we measure driving in time here) to get to my parents where my siblings will also be. I’m pretty sure weather won’t be an issue fortunately.

  13. My fiancée and I are flying from NYC to Tennessee for the weekend. We met during the pandemic so this is going to be her first time meeting my parents in person. We fly back Tuesday morning and then we are going to drive to Detroit for a 10 day stay with her family. Thankfully my job is fully remote and the TV show that my fiancée is working on has a 2 week break scheduled.

  14. I’m hitting my parents house (about 90 mins each way in a car or 2 hours by train) on Sunday during the day but otherwise I’m staying home in nyc. If the weather is too bad to drive, I’ll take the train, but I prefer to drive since it’s faster and less of a hassle to carry all the gifts.

  15. Traveling ~2 hours to see my parents in the eastern Sacramento suburbs. Weather forecast is partly cloudy with high around 60 but chance of dense morning fog along the way. So really only weather consideration is leaving early to beat the traffic or leaving later to avoid the fog (and likely have more traffic).

  16. We’re flying to Louisiana and staying at my parent’s house for a week. I’m looking forward to pigging out on Cajun food. I wasn’t aware of any weather issues. Looking it up, it shouldn’t be too much of a problem for us down south.

  17. Hunkering down. The hockey came I was going to Friday night was PPD. I am so excited. May not leave the house until Tuesday

  18. Traveling to and from work, both Saturday and Sunday. Maybe travel to pick up the Chinese after work.

  19. It’s not supposed to get overly cold here in MA, only down to about 15. Not really unusual later in the winter, just a little cold for this early.

    So, no I am not changing anything this weekend, and I am only going across town anyway.

  20. I was planning to go up to my grandma’s for Christmas Eve, but there’s a warning in place for up to half an inch of ice from freezing rain… and since extreme cold is pretty rare here, we don’t really have plows, or de-icer trucks, or any of that. If there’s still ice on the road, we’re gonna stay home.

    A few years back we had something similar (with only a small amount of freezing rain), and a friend who moved here from Alaska went, “of course I know how to drive on ice, we got tons of it up there” she didn’t make it to the end of the driveway. And even if you might be able to keep it under control, the dummy next to you who can’t is taking you out too. Freezing rain isn’t something to shrug off

  21. My girlfriend and I are driving up to Scranton and back (about 300 miles) to see her family on Saturday. I drive a large 4wd suv with great on/off road tires so it’s no biggie.

  22. No change of plans since there’s only a 20 min drive.

    Or furnace just pooped out, so it’ll be an interesting weekend regardless

  23. I live in Southern California. Family is in Northern California. We’re one of the few places that won’t be significantly affected by the weather. So yeah, I’m traveling.

  24. Headed to my parents in Las Vegas for a few days. My brother already flew down last night, before the storm, while I leave on Saturday afternoon. I’ll come back home on Tuesday and then I have the rest of the week off (though our office is already closed for the holidays).

    Highs of like 65F (~ 18C) in Vegas, which sure beats the hell out of the -5F (~ -21C) I’m experiencing right now!

  25. Plans are a staycation at a fancy hotel, checking in Christmas Eve. Even going to be fancy and Uber to the hotel. Doing absolutely nothing will be fantastic.

  26. Thankfully I’ve been at my parents house since Monday. Most of my family is already here. Unfortunately my Brother in Law and Aunt will probably not make it in.

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