first time

Is there any tips you people could share for having sex for the first time? Recently me and my girlfriend have been much more intimate but not just yet having sex, just a lot of grinding and her sucking my dick. Any tips on a first time?

  1. Lube. Lots of lube. It depends on the person, but first time for women can be quite painful.

    Though before lathering that stuff on, give her plenty of foreplay. Make her orgasm before you penetrate her, it will make things more comfortable for her.

    Before your first time I’d practice making her orgasm through means other than penetration. If you have an idea what you’re doing, it’ll put less pressure on you to just figure it out the night you plan to try penetration.

    And be safe. Use protection. Even birth control pills are not 100% effective.

  2. there are going to be awkward moments, just laugh through them and keep going. also, if she queefs don’t bring a lot of attention to it bc she may feel bad depending on how mature you guys are. keep her engaged through the whole thing. kiss her neck, kiss her face, make sure she knows youre in the moment and not just fucking yk?

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