What do you consider to be the most important habit you developed?

  1. It’s got to be Procrastination for me. I’m actually a charter member of the fraternal organization PFABT – Procrastinators For A Better Tomorrow. “We’ll make the world a better place, tomorrow,” is on our seal.

  2. Pausing a little and shrugging off things that annoy me or upset that really have little to do with my long term goals.

    This can be people saying shitty things, setbacks at work, disappointment because of schedules or weather not lining up as expected, girls I was dating and their behaviours etc

  3. Being present. Staying dedicated to each moment right now as much as I can has added such joy and growth in my life.

  4. The most important habit I have developed is the practice of mindfulness. By regularly taking time to be present in the moment and paying attention to my thoughts and emotions, I have been able to make better decisions, improve my relationships, and reduce stress. It has also helped me to be more productive and effective in my work and personal life. Overall, mindfulness has had a transformative effect on my well-being and happiness.

  5. Taking an hour everyday for myself and going to the gym. When that alarm goes off, I stop what I’m doing and go. No excuses. Work for it everyday gentlemen

  6. Daily exercising coupled with sound nutritional habits. Recently, I started prioritizing sleep and deep breathing too.

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