So I (27F) met a guy (45M) on dating app. He is 4 hours away. He came meet me twice. We start talking 3 months ago and recently we talked everyday texting and calling for over a month. I think the conversation goes so great, and we basically only talk to each other mainly because how busy we are. But he only wants to be friend at this point because of age difference and long distance. I confessed my feelings to him and got rejected. Meanwhile he asked me if I would accept him if he change his mind and don’t wanna be just friend in the future. So far everything is not crossing the line, we only hug, and no kiss. We are still talking everyday. And I start appreciate him more when he told me one reason about the rejection is because I don’t love myself enough, and I should, regardless we are dating or not. I was very touched by the honesty and having a friend who doesn’t judge my weight but concerned about my health. Meanwhile I felt really attached by talking to him everyday. I just don’t know what I should do at this point. Can I have some kinda advice of how to handle this? We tried to stop talking but I really also like him as a friend for now.

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