I’ve been with my bf for about 4 years. We had a lot of rough patches and have struggles with alcohol problems and anger problems on both our parts. I get very mouthy when I drink but I would say I’ve gotten much better. This has led to him calling the cops on me many times and honestly our relationship has gotten quite violent in the past. I love him with all my heart which is why I im working on myself and ensuring I can be the best for him. Anyhow it’s been a bit since I last got drunk until yesterday and him and I ended up fighting which for no reason led to him calling the cops again and I got taken away. When I got home after all that he decided to be angry with me over the fact that I wouldn’t go buy him hangover solutions because quite honestly I didn’t have the energy. In his moments of anger he proceeded to tell me he hated me, he’s done this before but for some reason it felt more real this time. Also please understand that I am aware we both have drinking problems and I’m doing my best to work on it, I’ve had to take care of him 3 times in the last 2 weeks while he was too drunk and trust me he’s not a fun drunk either. Maybe I’m wrong for thinking he’d just leave me be or something if I got too lippy. I just feel as though the cops did not need to get involved. I was by no means being aggressive. Is there any saving this relationship, I’ve put so much into it and it scares me to think I can’t be the person he needs me to be.

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