I found out that my boyfriend exchanged instagram with a 16 year old girl (he is 22) and when the girl asked for his ig my bf asked her if the 6 year age difference is okay?

I am shocked. I thought hes the only real person in my life. What now? I am shocked and broke Idk How to spend christmas w my family like this. I won’t believe in love never

This is cheating right
I am not insane
I dont know What to do now Oh my lord my heart aches so much
I am in agony
How to get through this?

He promised me the world
He told me he would never cheat
He planned his whole future with me
Why i was so naive?
I cant believe in people anymore
I am scarred for life
Im in shock
I dont know How to pick myself up now
I dont have friends who could help me
I am completely alone
I dont know How to get through this
I feel like i am dying

  1. Not only is he a cheater, but he’s also a groomer because she is way too young for him to be interested otherwise.

    I mean, you as an adult, would you be interested in a 16 year old boy? No rational grown person would be.

    There’s no easy way to deal with heartbreak.

  2. He’s a cheater and he’s wayyyyyyy too old for a 16 year old girl. That should gross you the fuck out

  3. Should report him to the local authority for grooming people underage

    I know it might seem over the top but if it prevents him from even affecting one life then it’s worth it

  4. Anyone making disgusting comments on this thread implying like this is ok has now been reported!!!! This is child grooming and potential child sexual abuse. Revolting! We need to protect our kids!!! If you think it’s funny, next time you may think before you type!!!

  5. The fact that a grown, legal adult male asked a 16yo child if the age difference was okay is more than a red flag. 🚩

    Its a huge red banner telling you that not only can he not be trusted to respect you or your relationship but he cannot be trusted to keep you or anyone safe.

    This is predatory behavior. This 16yo is a child, she is a child. The fact that it’s cheating is irrelevant, this is the beginning of a crime that not only lands him in prison but lands this poor girl and other girls in therapy. It doesn’t stop with her, he will do it again and next thing you know he will be 25 while the girl is still 16.

    Then 30..

    Then 40…

    See the point. You should run, cut contact immediately with no explanation and protect yourself. It’s easy to be accused as an accomplice to a crime. Even in this case. You should get out now

  6. It may not be a 16-year-old girl at all. It could be an officer gathering evidence for prosecution or it could be one of our group’s predator hunters. In any case it doesn’t matter because he believes her to be the 16 year old girl and still continues with his criminal behavior. Step back from your emotions and realize he has been controlling them for his own selfish ends as well

  7. If all was said is described in the post. Absolutely not cheating and this whole subreddit is bonkers for claiming it is.

    As to the context with said person, are they coworker, is he in a position of management, etc.

    Like holy shit saying this dudes a pedo, groomer, and cheaters is absolutely asinine.

    In the future, talk to your family and/or friends. Asking this subreddit for relationship advice is like asking to set your relationship on fire with gas while falling out of a plane using a flare. It’s just a complete downward spiral of bs.

  8. I had a similar situation with an ex(24) .We had a break and got back together. He told me during the break he was texting and exchanged photos with a 16 years old knowingly and that “meat was meat”. I threw up in the middle of our conversation and broke up with him then and there. Disgusting and unacceptable.

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