I (26f) and my boyfriend (26m) have been exclusively dating for nearly 4 months and have been boyfriend and girlfriend for nearly 2. He is everything I’ve ever wanted in a partner and I didn’t know men like him even existed. Truly an amazing man with a heart of gold.

He is definitely the type to show his appreciation through actions (acts of service/quality time) but has begun to start doing so through words (words of affirmation). Just in the way he looks at me and his closeness to me not only in private, but in public – my friends have all told me how obvious it is that he is head over heels in love with me. But he hasn’t said it.

He’s said everything I could want and more to confirm his commitment to this relationship, his excitement for our future and growth, and his adoration for me – but he hasn’t said I love you. I on the other hand have been struggling for weeks now to hold back on and try not slip on saying I love you to him as I fear maybe it’s too early? But I do genuinely and absolutely feel it.

We are going on our first long trip together around new years which will be very intimate, beautiful and romantic. I know it will be difficult for me to continue to try to avoid saying it. So I guess my questions to y’all are the following:

Why do you think he hasn’t said it yet when it seems to clear that he does feel that way? Is it just too early on?

Should I just say it first and potentially face the reality of him not saying it back? Or do I wait? (I guess I just love the romanticism and security of the man saying it first honestly)

Is there a conversation to be had before I say it?


TLDR: my boyfriend of several months still hasn’t said I love you but shows he does in every other way. I love him and want to say it – do I wait or go for it?

1 comment
  1. Honesty I’d give it time, some people really want to wait to say I love you until they’re sure it’s really love and not lost or the idea of love. Try not to worry, it’ll come in time if it’s really there.

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