There’s this girl that I like but I know doesn’t like me back and honestly I get get over her I know I need to and god knows she knows I need to but I don’t know how or if there is even a way, like I do t wanna be desperately in love with this girl forever.

  1. Been there, done that brother. Crying, don’t want to eat, feeling really sad, can’t get anything done. Let met get one thing clear, she’s not the one. You are maybe in love with her right now but ask yourself why. She doesn’t like you so why giving her a huge rol in your life?

    I get it, everything is perfect in your mind but that is not how she is. You are making a fantasy in your mind on how perfect she is. Stop doing that.

    Work on you! Learn how to be happy with yourself. Make your own best life where she doesn’t need to be because you are happy without her.

    Please, try to move on. Your life is worth so much more than feeling sad over a girl that doesn’t like you.

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