Have you ever broken up with someone you were good friends with before dating? How did you do it and what is your relationship with that person now like?

  1. We talked about it and broke up after 3 months because it didn’t work as a relationship and we were inexperienced teenagers.
    Due to the hurt feelings and so on I wasn’t willing to continue the friendship. We don’t have contact.
    Every few years we might see each other or send greetings over mutual acquaintances, which is okay.
    We wished each other well, and moved on.

    Taught me a lesson.

  2. When I was 17 I fell in love with my best friend. The relationship was a mess, partly due to cultural differences, partly because I still had a lot to learn about love. We broke up after a year because I wasn’t ok with hiding our relationship any longer. He had a new relationship almost immediately and I chose to go zero contact after that. I was still so in love.

    Ten years later we maybe text once or twice to ask how we’re doing and that’s it.

  3. An unsuccessful attempt to have a romantic relationship ended up being 4 years of friendship, but then we realized that the timing and the circumstances changed and started dating again. We were together for 4 years, it was pretty serious, but eventually we grew in different directions. It was difficult to admit, and breaking up was a very tough decision, especially because we kind of grew up together, our identity and our adult life included the fact that we were together and we never imagined it in any other way. We both needed time to process this loss, but then we moved on, we both found who we were looking for and everyone is happy. But still, we have very positive attitude towards each other and we regularly talk. Not too often, but at least every 2-3 months and we also meet sometimes for a coffee or beer to catch up. I still consider him as a friend, although obviously not the closest. But if he needed help, I would not hesitate, and I am truly happy for all his achievements etc. I never regretted the friendship part before the romantic relationship, but also never regretted the romantic part either.

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