(M22) I’m studying for an exam which people usually takes at an average age of 30 and I have noticed that these people often reject me because they see me as just a “child” and not a potential friend. What should I do? Just be on my own and move on?

Thanks in advance.

  1. They’re probably envious that you were able to get to a place it took them much longer to get to. Be polite to them, but they are not your “people”. You’ll find your people somewhere else!

  2. Would you wanna be friends with a 14 yo? You are immature compared to them. They probably have family by know and you are barely an adult

  3. Quote I like from Oprah: “I don’t want any who doesn’t want me.”

    You’ll find people who want to be friends. Nothing personal about it, just move on and appreciate those that do like you as you are.

  4. It isn’t about the age, it’s about the stage of life. Plus there are better places to make friends than among “exam takers.” Explore friendships in areas where you have interests. Hobbies, clubs, sports, political involvement, the arts, gaming, outdoors, whatever it is that floats your boat.

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