My boyfriend (M18) and me (F18) have been dating for 6 months and last night we had sex for the first time. It was great except in the middle he asked me if he could take his condom off because it was “uncomfortable” he said it would be better if I wore one and said he would help me insert it. I said no because it would be uncomfortable for me and he threatened to leave me for his ex who used to were them. He said the pleasure for him was nicer, I explained why I didn’t want to do it but he insisted I said I would try tonight but how do I tell him no

  1. This guy threatened to go back to his ex over having to wear a condom, he has no respect for your body or you as a person please leave him at the very least don’t let him violate you tonight and tell him you’re just not comfortable with unprotected sex and that that isn’t an unreasonable thing to say

  2. Fuck that! If he had any respect for you whatsoever, he would NEVER have said that. He’s a manipulative, selfish man-child and you should tell him to go back to his ex. You can and should do better than him.

  3. No is a full sentence.

    If you two can’t agree on how sex should be had you probably shouldn’t have sex

  4. I think the condom part is a pretty fair shake. He isn’t asking to go unprotected just a different form of barrier protection.

    Should still dump him over the ex comment however.

  5. Condom or not, threats to leave because an ex did whatever mean he doesn’t care for you

  6. Let me get this straight – the guys is putting protection on you, because he doesn’t like it. Annnd he threatened to go to an ex. Run! Now. As far away as you can because that’s just the beginning of twisting things to put YOU at fault.

  7. You should definitely not be with someone who doesn’t respect your comfort. Find someone better who will do it in a way thats makes you comfortable and happy at the same time.

  8. Having a specific type of bc being a deal breaker isn’t inherently wrong.

    Threatening you with going back to his ex is wrong. Not talking to you about it calmly and respectfully is wrong. Both should be dealbreakers for you – you are worth so much more.

  9. When somebody theatens to leave for somebody else, you say “go ahead” and pack his bags.

  10. Kick this loser to the curb. He clearly has zero respect for you, threatening to leave you for his ex during your first sex session together!!

  11. Text him if it makes it easier than saying it in person. Just tell him, “I decided against it. If you don’t wear a condom, we’re not having sex.”

    I’m assuming he’s referring to you wearing a female condom? According to Planned Parenthood, 21 out of 100 women who use female condoms will get pregnant each year.

    Male condoms are more effective than female condoms, so doing this to increase his pleasure puts *you* at more risk. I don’t see how that’s fair.

  12. Dump the motherfucker already! He’s telling you directly that he doesn’t care about your pleasure, and threatening you if you don’t comply with his demands. Lay the Uno Reverse on that piece of shit and break up with him!

  13. No its not fair, and he was being extremely disrespectful, manipulative, and terrible, and telling you he doesn’t care about your pleasure, only his own. Dump him. He is not worth your time. Just tell him no. That is all you need to say. No is a complete sentence.

    If its uncomfortable he needs to find the right size and material of condom for him. They aren’t actually one size fits all, and the right size and right material (ie, non-latex) can make a huge difference.
    That is one to file away for future partners though. None of that is your problem now, because he already showed you how selfish and disrespectful he is. When someone tells you who they are its best to believe them.

  14. Did you have a female condom available? His behavior was still terrible in either case but I’m curious why he didn’t suggest it in the first place if you had one

  15. End this relationship asap. That’s a garbage move by him and is indicative of his character. Run!

  16. No, it’s not fair. You are looking after your own body. And him threatening you is a red flag. End it will only get worse.

  17. >he threatened to leave me for his ex who used to were them


    Maybe he should go back to his ex then?

  18. DUMP HIS ASS NOW. You do not deserve that. Any man that’s wants to keep you and is good for you will at the VERY LEAST respect your sexual preferences and if not then they aren’t for you. From those few sentences I gathered he may be a narcissist. And he is totally gaslighting you by saying he’s go back to his ex. That statement alone is plain disrespectful. And NOBODY deserves to be disrespected in that way.

  19. His threats to go back to his ex are a clear sign he doesn’t give a shit about you other than wanting to use you for sex.

    My advice would be to drop him right now. Tell him that you thought about it and you’re still not willing to do as he asks, so he should just do what he said he’d do and go back to his ex.

    Also: Condoms are not interchangeable between the man or woman wearing them. Yes they do make a female condom, but it is totally different from the kind of condom a man wears on his penis.

  20. Dude all these stories on here with women having bad sexual experiences just make me sad

  21. You should leave him solely for threatening to go back to his ex. Nothing else matters at this point. Leave him.

  22. I mean you could sink to his level and tell him an ex of yours never had that issue or whined because he had that BDE lmfao.

    Seriously, tell this guy to fu*k off. He is threatening to leave you in order to get you to cave to his sexual demands?! That logic is laughable “hey i know we’re doing it but I’ll leave you for my former lover because of this, so will you do it for me?”.

  23. He brought up his ex in the middle of sex?

    If you havent broken up with him already, please for the love of god get some self respect and do it now.

    There is absolutely no excuse for that awful abusive manipulative behavior. He can eat a bag of dicks.

  24. Tell him to go back to go wet his dick in STD’s and pregnancy because that’s where he’s gonna end up. He’s not worth it girl.

  25. Regardless of the condom I’d leave just because he’s comparing me to his ex and threatening to leave. If she’s better then me then peace out

  26. You are young and you will need to learn a hard lesson here.
    You are responsible for your health and safety, you can’t 100% trust other people to do it for you.
    There are going to be moments where you need to be firm, and stand up for yourself. Never let yourself be a pushover.
    His desire to remove the condom was a selfish one, and when he didn’t get his way he resorted to threats.
    That is not what someone does if they respect you, and care about you.
    This is an instance of where you can’t give into those peoples unreasonable demands.
    if he leaves, you are better off, because he did not respect your very reasonable wishes.

  27. I’ve tried female condoms, they’re not uncomfortable at all and I actually like them more. But that’s not the point. It’s not fair that he’s threatening to leave you over this and you deserve better.

  28. Sweetheart, you need to stand up for yourself. If he’s going to threaten you then let him go. He just wants to go in raw.

    Don’t do that.

  29. You can do so much better and that’s coming from a guy who hates using condoms but is using them because my wife asked me too

  30. Me and my lady don’t wear protection. But saying you would leave for your ex, fuck him let him leave for his ex

  31. >I said no …

    > and he threatened to…

    The rest of the post is irrelevant. This relationship is on the path to emotional abuse.

  32. Girl if you don’t drop this sack of shit ASAP.

    A guy who cares about you truly wouldn’t threaten you nor would he bring his ex into the conversation either.

    Just call this one a practice run and say you’re still a virgin.
    When you find someone who truly cares for your body and you they will understand why you express you are still a virgin.

  33. I don’t see a problem with him asking you to use a female condom, but the part about him threatening to go to his ex is a reason to get the fuck out.

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