I’m looking for advice. Please try to be kind as I’m very, very upset. Thank you. I just became friends with a new group of people. I really like one of the guys in the group and I have slept with him three times. In a moment of poor judgment, I told three girls in the group (his friends) that he was bad in bed. I told them a lot of details and was quite cruel. I am now terrified that it will get back to him. I cannot imagine how I would feel if I heard that about myself (that someone was spreading that I was bad in bed). Is there anything I can do? I’m so scared and regretful that I feel physically ill. I really hope it doesn’t get back to him. It would be really mean of his friends to tell him what I said so I’m hoping that he’ll never know. I shouldn’t come clean to him, should I? That would just make it worse I think. Thank you for any advice, thoughts, or kind words. I like this guy so much and I feel so awful.

  1. I say: forgive yourself first. You have humility, that’s a good thing. And we all make mistakes, regrettable ones, and if you can recognize them, it’s even better as you can grow from there.

    Second, I think you should just not bring it up ever again and hope they’ve moved on from it. But if they bring it up, express your regret as briefly and sincerely as possible and move on from it. It will help you forgive yourself and they probably will never bring it up again.

    Wish you the best.

  2. Is there any chance they thought it was a joke or were you dead serious

    It’s probably fine, but definitely don’t bring it up again. Overall, it’s a dumb idea to gossip about a guy you like to his own friends. If you just became friends with this group, then tread lightly.

  3. Say it was a joke and never mention it again. Ever. If anyone mentions it, tell them he was really good and you were joking.

    However I’m probably going to tell him, cause I think he sucks in bed to, I was watching.

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