I’m 15 years old and a male btw.
This year I started my freshman year of high school and socially speaking I’m not doing that great.
Mostly everyone has figured out the type of person I am: quiet, nervous and ig I come off as uninterested too sometimes.
Because of this most people usually ignore me and don’t really talk to me unless I talk to them first.
Now this might not be so bad, but the thing is, I’m the only one in my class like that, sure they might be a few more quiet people, but unlike me, they are more confident and outgoing.
What I mean by this is that they have a better way of speaking and behave better in social situations, its just that they usually doing their own thing and aren’t huge social people.
With me its a mess of a situation, in class whenever I’m talking to someone I don’t really know or when I’m in front of the class I have this awkward way of moving, I’m stiff, I’m always scratching something or fidgeting something, cracking my knuckles, sometimes I don’t even look at the person I’m talking to and just look around as if I’m being followed by a hit man or something. I also talk really fast and almost incomprehensibly.
I’ve always been going to the gym recently and there its the same thing too.
So yeah its pretty bad for me I’d say.
It isn’t horrible, I do have like 3 irl friends and I don’t get bullied by classmates or anything like that.
It’s just that I’d rather break out of my shell and act more like how I do around my parents and with my online friends (especially online I am incredibly social and “popular” in the group I am).
I don’t like being seen as this weak shy guy.
The problem is that idk how to change myself, I feel as if I’m stuck in an endless loop of wanting to change but not doing anything.
I’d really appreciate some tips please.
Also english isn’t my native language so sorry if my grammar isn’t the best.

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