I want to hear the experience you all had. I am proposing to my girlfriend on Christmas morning and have it all planned out. How did you do it?

  1. I actually proposed on Christmas morning as well. I had put the ring box at the bottom of her stocking and setup a camera to record because “our parents want to see us opening gifts”. Totally caught her off guard

  2. St Lucia proposed on beach at sunset. Walked along beach after and had pre setup a nice dinner just up from beach just us with our own table, server an music . Good luck 🙂

  3. I didn’t. We were homeless at the time, and things were tough. We were staying in a motel and I was trying to find a cheap appartment and trying to conserve money and just basically being stressed. One morning, about 2 weeks in, mid conversation, we both stopped, looked each other in the eyes and exclaimed that we should get married. Seriously, we both said it at the same time.

    We went to the courthouse that day, got our marriage liscense and we were married 3 days later. Of all the stupid shit I’ve done in my life this is one thing I’ve never, ever regretted.

  4. I am a simple man.

    **I proposed to her during dinner at a fancy place on valentine’s day.**

    Oh, and I bougth our wedding rings and her engagement ring earlier that day, lol.

    I know, I could have been more creative, but she said yes, we got married last year and we are living a happy life.

  5. My wife proposed to me. Little known fact: if you propose on Christmas, her birthday or some other gift giving occasion and somebody breaks off the engagement she doesn’t legally have to give the ring back.

  6. I did it at a nice dinner but I want to add that I was way more nervous than I expected so be prepared for that.

  7. Went on an extravagant trip intending to propose, with no specific place in mind. Ended up proposing in the hotel room. 100% recommend doing it in private. More intimate, less of a spectacle.

  8. I lit up our backyard with every candle I could find, even stealing some from the neighbors, and waited until she got home from work. When she drove up the street she thought I had bought some stupid lights for the backyard, so she came out a little annoyed. I turned on one of her favorite songs, we danced, and I proposed. That was after botching it under a meteor shower and on the dock at a lake.

  9. She gave me an ultimatum, either I do it in a time line or she gets to decide how I do it. I hated the idea of her knowing when it would happen so I bought a Disney castle back drop because going to Disneyland is expensive (she loves Disney and wanted a picture in front of the castle), set it up with a few stands and back-lit it so the castle was illumated and went and woke her up. It was like 6:30 in the morning and she didn’t have clothes on. I finally convinced her to get up and she was so shocked. She says the only thing she would have liked is if she had some clothes on. I didn’t have any complaints and it’s the best thing I could have done

  10. I remember a girl said after eating something I cooked (nothing fancy or creative or even actually home-made, something out of a store package rather) if that’s how I’m gonna be treated I don’t even mind getting married. We didn’t stay together long enough for that, but that moment could be at least something of an answer.
    Where it did work out, there wasn’t even anything resembling a proposal, neither on my part nor hers )

  11. i had to do it twice. i asked her in my house over a long weekend the parents were away. then i re-asked at thanksgiving dinner with her family. she didn’t insist it just made sense. i also asked her dad’s permission prior to all this.

  12. Her father was a sailor, and had passed away about a year after we were dating. For the proposal, I chartered a sailboat and proposed on the boat. Common thing for the captain/photographer, so we got some great pictures of it all.

  13. We had talked about marriage before. As a thing off in the future. Vague idea.

    She was leaving school and moving in with me, and had been having some health struggles. I had just started a new job with fantastic health benefits.

    While driving on the highway from her old
    apartment at school on the way to ~~my~~ our apartment we were just chatting about…life. She said something along the lines of “it’s a shame I’m not on your benefits until we’re married”.

    “Why don’t we then, city hall. Done. Big wedding later”.

    “Are you crazy?”

    “Is that a yes or no?”

    Then we never got around to the big wedding. Shits expensive.

    Also it turns out we didn’t need to be legally married to get her on my benefits. Found out years later.

  14. Word of advice: Don’t make it a complete surprise, if you two haven’t talked about marriage before, don’t bomb her with it. Even if you’re getting on very well, you might be surprised and disappointed. I’d never ask if I wasn’t 100% sure of the answer. It’d be great if SHE’s brought it up. For my wife and I, we shopped for the ring together. She wanted to re-stone her mother’s ring, so my proposal waited until the ring was ready. We were living together at the time as well.

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