I’m (18 F with Asperger’s syndrome) struggling with sex. I like thinking about having sex but recently it has become something that makes me anxious and upset. Penetration hurts and oral isn’t good either. My boyfriend gets angry with me when I need to stop because I’m hurting or overstimulated during penetration or oral. Sometimes he goes too fast for me and has tried to hold my head/body down when performing oral on him or being penetrated. He has apologized to me for that but sometimes it still happens. Both of these experiences are overstimulating to me and it makes me want to meltdown.

Is this what sex is supposed to feel like for an autistic person? Some people love sex a lot. I can’t relate to them.

  1. Sounds like a pretty crappy boyfriend for treating you this way. He doesn’t respect you at all.

  2. It has nothing to do with being autistic – your boyfriend is being abusive. Get out of there, and don’t be so quick to rush into a new sexual relationship unless it’s with someone more gentle and understanding.

  3. overstimulation is something that can be worked through but not with a partner like that… find someone who is kind to you.

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