What is something you liked because everyone else liked?

  1. Game of Thrones. I felt compelled to watch it when it was on air originally. I told myself it was a great show because it was like society had collectively decided it was a good show. But now, it’s virtually unrewatchable for me. It’s terribly morbid and depressing. Why would anyone enjoy it??

  2. The only reason I took an interest in Elden Ring is because how universally acclaimed it is, so I figured I had to like it too and told myself I did. But guess what, I don’t. It’s so fucking empty and bland it bores me to tears. Good for everyone else finding their game of the year, but I wish I had spent that $60 on something else.

  3. when i first watched Demon Slayer, i didn’t like it that much. but i saw people’s comments and before i knew it, i was excited for the next seasons to come!

  4. Watching sports. I don’t watch them by myself (except the Olympics), but I’ll get invested in a game if I watch it with friends and family.

    Marvel movies. Most were enjoyable to watch, but I usually saw them with friends and felt pressure to catch up on the storylines leading up to End Game. I haven’t watched any since then and rarely rewatched them unless it was the only decent thing on TV.

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