hey, excuse my english, im french.

Im a 25 yo man, healthy (lot of sport, eat clean), and I have no particular erection problem when i masturbate, and my libido normal.

But when im with a girl, i start feeling very anxious (which is unusual im not an anxious person) and i can’t have a satisfying erection. But i know it is purely psychological because alone its perfectly fine, and when im with a girl, im actually excited, but the stress overcome finally. I tried tadalafil and it helps, but i don’t want to take unnecessary medication for a too long period of time. And talking about this problem to the girl in question is not easy. Does it happen to anyone here ? And what can I do ? Ty

  1. I never had sexual anxiety really. I do take
    tadalafil because of my age and I love that stuff. Perhaps cut your masturbation down. If you drink alcohol that may have a huge effect on you also. If you have low testosterone that can cause anxiety and give you erection problems, thus it is possible it may not be purely psychological.

  2. You go talk to your doctor, rule out any medical issues, then they will likely prescribe some viagra or cialis to help you get your mojo back.

  3. Do you know where the anxiety is coming from? Are these new partners or someone you’ve known already?

    It sounds like you should focus on finding someone you can be comfortable with, and then have open communication about the problem. She should hopefully be understanding and willing to work with you.

  4. Salut cher compatriote.
    Tu as très bien identifié le problème : stress et / ou anxiété. Toi seul peux maintenant résoudre cette issue. Est-ce lié à ta confiance, un poids lié à la performance ? Peut-être te mets tu un peu trop de pression ?
    Tu ne dois pas voir une partie de jambes en l’air comme une compétition sportive, ou toi seul dois répondre en termes de performance ou de réussite.
    Ça se joue à deux ( minimum ) et dis-toi que ta ou ton partenaire ressent aussi cette part d’inattendu.
    Ton souci d’érection peut devenir un jeu si tu partages avec elle ou lui. Ça détendrait l’atmosphère et deviendrait un truc en plus, plutôt qu’un truc en moins.
    Je te conseille le sub français ” sexualitéFr ”
    Sorry for english readers.

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