I (29f) and my friend (will call her Sally), she is 45f and we were work besties during my temp internship.
After my internship ended we kinda lost touch but periodically she would finally respond to my emails. She never wanted to swap phone numbers so I respected her boundaries.
In 2021 she emailed me saying that she was moving to Florida and begged for me to keep in contact, again did not give me her number. She gave me her person email address. After her moving, I waited about 3 months to email her and never heard back. I get it, people get busy and have lives. The last time I received an email from her was June 2021. I sent emails for every holiday and her birthday, still nothing. It hurts. I have a friend who is a mutual of Sally and she’s ALWAYS on social media and texting everyone. She hangs out with Sally twice a month.

I really feel hurt because Sally begged for me to keep in contact after she moved to Florida. She can’t write a simple email explaining she has been busy, for a whole year?

I just give up

1 comment
  1. People make time and effort for whom they want to make time for. That’s not you in this case. But Ask yourself something. Why is it this friends of yours easily moved on from you and doing other things besides talking to you, but you can’t do the same ? You really need to start getting busy in your life and start talking to other people. Never make one person or few people your only social option. It almost always doesn’t end well. If you make these friends your only social options, you run the risk of acting needy and clingy for their time and attention. They will lose respect for you and avoid you. Friendships are not codependent relationships. You should have other things going on in life or other people to talk to besides this one friend.

    Also read this, it describes how you come off to people when you are constantly anxious and overthinking things like this: https://www.reddit.com/r/socialskills/comments/we54zy/big_tip_to_reduce_your_social_anxiety_and_why/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf

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