Not to say I haven’t had relationships I’m experienced in that regard and most of them have been long term.. I just never met any of them through dating apps.

Now I’m trying dating apps and have no idea how to read guys. Don’t get why people are playing games and ghosting, can’t tell what’s genuine and what isn’t.

That being said I met a wonderful guy. We’d talk for hours at night (I’m talking about 7hours…) and that went on for about a month and a half. Then he offered we should meet up sometime. About two weeks later due to… life I guess, we met up and it went great. We talked until the bar we were drinking at closed. We hugged goodbye.

After that he doesn’t talk to me for an entire week and I pretty much decided ok he didn’t feel it, but then he messaged me again asking how I’ve been. So I told him honestly I thought he didn’t like me, and he said it definitely wasn’t the case he’s just “busy”.

Now from what I gathered guys saying this is a red flag… honestly even if he was busy I believe when you’re really interested in someone you can at the very least send a simple text here and there. So I’m like why bother even messaging me again?

Now he does this thing where he will sporadically message … sometimes he’ll take two days or nearly a day to reply to conversation. Sometimes he’ll let conversations die and start with the whole how are you? Line again.

I’m saying I DONT GET IT. I’ve “decided” many times I’ll let him go but then he comes back and I remember our conversations .. so it’s ??? Very confusing for me

1 comment
  1. If he genuinely liked you, he’d make an effort to reach out and chat with you regularly. Anyone playing texting games and falling off for days at a time isn’t serious about you. He’s hitting you up when he’s bored to get a hit of dopamine. When he gets bored talking to you, he lets the conversation die. If you continue texting him back, you’ll only be chasing your own tail.

    What I’d suggest for next time is to not fall into the trap of texting someone for an extended period of time before meeting up. It can feel exciting to get to know a potential new partner, but if you don’t actually have chemistry in person, then you’ve spent all that time to end up back at square one. If the first day or couple days of texting goes well, meet up for a drink. If it goes bad, you didn’t invest too much time into it anyway and it’s on to the next potential person.

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