Not to bring an unfair topic into play, but I also find it unnatractive that she gained weight but I don’t stop her from eating sandwiches and candy bars. I’ve just accepted her as she is and love her anyway

  1. Your comment about her eating sandwiches and candy bars and weight doesn’t sound like love to me.

  2. How often do you play, and for how long?

    Not appreciating weight gain is fine but if you’re only bringing it up because she expressed concern about video game play then you aren’t being a communicative partner. You’re just playing tit for tat.

  3. You’re a grown man, adults dont require other adults to “let/allow” them to do anything.

    Maybe you guys could compromise on how much you play/when you play. But I’m assuming video games were always part of who you were before marriage, so she knew you’d play them.

  4. She’s not your mother. She’s your wife, she’s her own person and you are your own person

  5. As another commenter said, “won’t let me” is not the sign of a healthy adult relationship.

    You are a man, she doesnt own you. You can do whatever you want to do. And she can also do whatever you want to do.

    Based on your comment about her, it appears you already are resenting her. Resentment is a cancer that will grow if you feel like you have no control.

    Put your foot down and be a man. If you want to play video games, play video games. She will have to make a decision on how to react.

  6. As long as you are getting what you have to get done done and give your wife some attention then there is no reason for her to stop you from something you enjoy

  7. We work separate shifts. I play on my days off when she’s at work. I give her my undevided attention when we are together. Works for me, at least.

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