What is the sweetest response you’ve gotten when you “Feel fat”?

  1. The kindest response for me is to remind me that fatphobia isn’t actually within my ethics and that everyone’s body is beautiful and worthy regardless of their weight.

    But I’m generally not saying that I “feel fat” much these days because generally what I actually mean is that I feel unattractive/insecure, and those are not the same thing.

  2. “Babe don’t talk about yourself that way, you’re beautiful” 🥺 I’ve never heard anyone tell me that before, not even my mom because she always scolded me growing up about my style and eating… so I’ve grown so insecure with myself not just by her but because I’ve allowed myself to still think this way and I’m working on that 😔

  3. This from a little child at my workplace (I work at kindergarten). “Then there is more of you to love”. He really meant it too.

  4. My mom would always say “Fat isn’t a feeling. What are you actually feeling?”
    Helped me redirect my thoughts to my feelings and emotions instead of my body.

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