I’m 26. Due to self esteem issues I have zero dating experience. Not even in high school, not a single kiss, absolutely nothing. I’ve been talking to a guy online who is 30 and it seems to be going really well and we have made plans to meet up. Should I tell him and if so, when? I want to be honest, but I don’t want to make things awkward. I can see how some people might think it is really weird

  1. He might as well see it as an advantage.

    Personally I rather have a girl without experience then one with too much experience. Also because I am not that sexual myself.

    But I wouldn’t really mention it too early. Just let everything fall into place. Don’t overthink it.

  2. Hey, just own up if you feel awkward during the date. I’m a 53M and have often been the very first date for a lady (albeit, not since grad school).

    Instead lead off with I’m shy.

    Now after the first kiss, if it goes that well, smile and say “that was my first kiss!” Do not diminish yourself before!!!

    Ok, since you admit inexperience, he should try the “gentleman’s kiss” by approaching, getting lips within 2 mm or so, and if you are ready to kiss, YOU close the gap. It’s like dancing, the man starts, the woman finishes…

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