I’m in the house a lot , I’m lucky if I even have 1 conversation through out the week. Mainly be on the game or binging social media. Most of the time I have to work myself up to step outside. When I do answer the phone people always ask if im okay or if I’m sick. Some have went to ask me if I’m depress ,I guess I talk very slow on the phone. When I order food people can never hear even if I’m trying to talk loud as time goes on I realize IT is starting to become a strain for me to talk louder like it actually hard to raise my voice. How can one get it social battery to last longer and to sound enthusiastic and energetic in conversations and to be overall charismatic . What are the beginner steps?

1 comment
  1. You need to put yourself in uncomfortable situations. Growth comes from discomfort. Put yourself in small scenarios where you have to interact with people. That could be making a return or while running errands. Ask the cashier about their day. Commit to asking people about their day that you may encounter while waiting in line for something. You can even prep a few conversation scripts for a few lines of response.

    Look up tips to hold small talk, which often is based on environment and open-endedness.

    For example, it is the holiday season and there are likely long lines, you can turn to someone friendly looking and go “wow the stores are busier than I expected!” “Are you last minute holiday shopping too?”

    Speaking up is challenging but you need to make sure your tone is audible and make eye contact with them as they are more likely to hear you or pay attention to you. Putting yourself in a space where you need to repeat yourself because they could not hear you can be discouraging and nerve-wracking and you want to set your first steps for success.

    You can fake courage and confidence. Fake till you make it. As an introvert you will not 100% feel recharged being around people but like with anything, you can learn and build resilience being around people.

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