I’m very tired of the physically and mentally draining symptoms of being introverted. I am definitely extroverted in the fact that I love going out, socializing, partying, etc but I am very sick and tired of feeling physically exhausted halfway through hanging out with people. I keep searching on this introvert issue and most people give ways to recover but I haven’t found a single thing online on how to cure this.

I don’t want to be an introvert, I crave socialization and being with people so much, but spending time with coworkers, friends, or family is so exhausting I feel like I get sick with a fever. I get headaches, my throat gets dry from talking, my eyes hurt, etc. About 2 hours after sitting and talking with my friends it’s difficult to control my facial expression to not look tired, and my face literally gets cramps from smiling. But I don’t want to take breaks or leave early, I *want* to stay and spend time with them. I don’t consider socializing unfulfilling, I genuinely crave it. I want to go to the bar every weekend and not have to recover mentally.

I enjoy alone time too but I also want to hang out with people more than once a week or every two weeks and I’m sick of having to say no to going out because of the physical exhaustion that I get from socializing. Sometimes I only hang out with my friends once a month and I’m tired of missing out on fun things. Is there any possible way to get rid of this issue?

  1. I had the same problem and after “just being myself “, everything got better. I know it sounds like a cliche thingy, but what actually drains you, is that you pretend to be somebody you really aren’t.

  2. Dont force a smile.

    Learn to take breaks from talking. Even go to the bathroom for 5-10 minutes to take a break and reset.

    Pick and choose who you spend your energy talking to.

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