I recently moved to a new city and don’t really have any close friends. Pretty much all my “friends” here I’ve only met once or twice, and beyond occasionally commenting on each other’s Instagram stories, I’ve never really interacted with them outside of those couple times we met in person. With the holidays and New Years coming up, I really don’t want to spend it alone, but I feel weird about asking them if I could join in on whatever plans they have since I don’t really know them that well. Is there any good way to try and invite myself to their holiday/New Years plans without being rude or awkward?

  1. You could try asking them if they have any plans for the holidays and if they don’t invite them to done get together or something.

  2. Say “its so nice to finally spend a christmas outside of jail man, i only wished i had somewhere and someone with whom to share it.”

  3. Through conversation.

    What are you doing this nye?

    Oh not much, i just moved here, dont know too many people.

    Why not come hang out with us?!

    Sure, why not.


  4. My strategy is to ask someone I’d be happy to hang with if they have any plans, if they do and its friend involved, ask if u can tag along, if they don’t have any plans, ask if they’d like to do a little nye hang/party!

    If you have multiple newish friends ur comfy with u could wrangle a group for a party if there isn’t one already.

  5. “Hey what are your plans for this NYE”

    *their response*

    “Oh cool, I don’t really have any plans at the moment since I just moved here but that sounds fun!”

    They will probably invite you?

    Also there’s tons of events going on, Skyway has a show both nights and so does the armory.

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