When did you reach a point in life where you decided what career was right for you, and what was it? Why?

  1. It wasn’t until I got my first big paycheck. Then I went whoa cool guess I’ll stay forever

  2. I was working at Tim Horton’s on the day of my 25th birthday and decided that instant that I hated menial work, that I wasn’t getting anywhere doing that, and that I didn’t want to keep going that kind of work on the “wrong side” of 25.

    I picked a vocational/trade school, got trained and licensed the very next birthday at 26, and I’ve been doing it ever since. Bought a reliable vehicle and got on top of controlling my credit, my finances and ultimately my life and future.

  3. 29 sticking with a career I hate because it’s paying the bills and honestly it’s better than a lot of options

  4. Mid-30s. Decided on programming because I wanted to do a trade, meaning a career where you have a definite skill others don’t have, and I wanted a trade where I didn’t have to go into people’s homes, be outside, or generally not be in a comfortable setting.

  5. I decided to pursue a career in medicine when I was in college. After shadowing a few doctors and working in a hospital, I realized that I enjoyed working with patients and helping them to improve their health.

  6. 41 and may have found it. Its fun, challenging, and I’m pretty damn good at it! And it pays well too, so checked just about all of the boxes

  7. Had lots of jobs from 16-25. Hated them all.

    Then I found something that 1) I was good at, 2) liked doing, 3) had a clear path for advancement, and 4) paid well. Been in the same industry ever since. No regrets.

  8. It wasn’t a matter of choosing it as it was a matter of constantly trying to improve my family’s situation. I try and use what I know to get me into something I can continue to learn and grow with. It is caused me to have a couple of profession changes but I went from being in poverty to making 100k a year in a dozen years.

  9. When I was a pre-teen, I always knew that I wanted my cooking to make people happy. Even to the day in my late 30s, I still love knowing that chicken dish I made is making customers happy.

  10. I am in information security for a major bank. It’s not my “passion”, but it’s a good gig

    But I once considered going back to school and changing careers.

    After a detailed review, I realized there are zero bachelor’s programs that would result in a higher salary than what I already make.

    That’s when I said “quit yer bitchin” and decided I already had it pretty good!

    It’s been full steam ahead ever since!

  11. Went to school for something environmental related, and was recruited by a government department for something *completely* unrelated to my studies. Total bullshit luck. Ended up loving the job from day one – challenging and engaging, scratching my itches for research and writing, and just wrinkling my brain in the best way.

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